The purpose of this MelonLoader VRChat mod is to allow the user to save and load custom safety settings presets.
- UIExpansionKit - Menus + Settings.
- Custom Safety Settings Presets Loading / Saving / Deleting.
- Instance Type Based Safety Settings (Public, Friends, Private).
- Currently working on build 1108(Current)
- This mod was made for Melonloader 0.4.0
- Download UIExpansionKit and place the compiled DLL into the "VRChat/Mods" folder.
- Download the latest release of the compiled DLL and place into the "VRChat/Mods" folder.
- The preset choices for instance type based loading will not update until game restart.
To build this mod, reference the following libraries from MelonLoader/Managed after assembly generation;
- Assembly-CSharp.dll
- Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
- Il2Cppmscorlib.dll
- UnhollowerBaseLib.dll
- UnhollowerRuntimeLib.dll
- UnityEngine.dll
- UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
- UnityEngine.UI.dll
- VRCCore-Editor.dll
- VRCCore-Standalone.dll
- VRCSDK3.dll
- VRCSDKBase.dll
Additionally, reference the following libraries;
- MelonLoader.dll (from MelonLoader base directory)
- UIExpansionKit.dll (Built/Obtainable from knah's VRCMods repository)
Install the following package;
- Newtonsoft.Json
Finally, build in your favourite IDE.
Used Bens XRef functions, along with recieving tons of general help.