🚀Production Release - v1.0.0
PackageMonster Production Release Notes - v1.0.0
Nuget/Library Updates 📦
#109 - chore(deps): updated kinsondigital/infrastructure action to v10.2.0
#103 - chore(deps): updated dependency microsoft.codeanalysis.netanalyzers to V7.0.3
#104 - chore(deps): updated dependency to v19.2.51
#106 - chore(deps): updated dependency to v17.7.0
#108 - chore(deps): updated dependency xunit.runner.visualstudio to v2.5.0
#110 - chore(deps): updated dependency coverlet.collector to v6
#112 - chore(deps): updated dependency moq to V4.20.0
#111 - chore(deps): updated dependency coverlet.msbuild to v6
#107 - chore(deps): updated dependency xunit to v2.5.0
Other 🪧
(Includes anything that does not fit into the categories above)
#75 - Created release workflow with associated cicd scripts.
#83 - Updated the titles for all of the release note template files.
#101 - Adjusted release workflow input
#99 - Performed various improvements
#95 - Improved release workflow
#91 - Cleaned up status check
#89 - Updated workflow to use org-level scripts
#86 - Created status checks
#75 - Created release workflow
#83 - Updated release note templates
You can’t perform that action at this time.