An exercise for using API calls to display the weather forecast.
Must haves: In the home page the user can enter the city of his/her choice (think of the right HTML elements here) On clicking the SUBMIT button or pressing ENTER: Use an api to define the city geo-location data from the user-input Use an api to get the weather data for at least the next 5 days Manipulate your DOM in order to display the weather for the next 5 days in your application. Find a way to make those API calls asynchronous. The application must be responsive, accessible and mobile friendly /
Get the geo-location from the city with an API (Open-Meteo geo-location has the option to do so, but feel free to use other api's) Then use the geo-coordinates to get the weather data from the Open-Meteo Weather API by using the native JS fetch() method (if you like, you can also check out axios)