Miscellaneous bash scripts and associated files.
- mapWater.sh - maps water in ArcGIS .asc files as .png images. Requires gdal.
- water.pal - the colour palette file.
- 300mm_water_patches.asc - water output from WDPM run at St. Denis.
- PCM.sh - runs Pothole Casade Model repeatedly.
- WDPM.sh - runs Wetland DEM Ponding Model repeatedly.
- DRIdoall.sh - runs CRHM models for DRI project and post-processes the output.
- DRIdoruns.sh - runs CRHM through WINE.
- FallowStubbleMeanMoistureMaps.sh - plots soil moisure map using gdal.
- CRHM_MeanSoilMoistECDF_Cropped.txt_1999_map.png - soil moisture map