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Releases: Kasuromi/GTFO-API

GTFO-API 0.3.0

24 Jun 18:23
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Issues Resolved


Thanks to @Flowaria for fixing garbage collection issues post-CoreCLR and cleaning up NetworkAPI

GTFO-API 0.2.1

21 Apr 05:36
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Fixed gear favorites patch

Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1

GTFO-API 0.2.0

20 Apr 19:14
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.1.3...0.2.0

GTFO-API 0.1.3

10 Dec 15:19
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Disables syringes due to the method we natively patch into being modified

GTFO-API 0.1.1

04 Nov 14:01
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  • AssetAPI Extensions (#12) (@Kasuromi)
    • AssetAPI.CloneAsset(string assetName, string copyName) has been renamed to InstantiateAsset
    • AssetAPI.InstantiateAsset supports generic types to return the asset as the type needed
    • Added AssetAPI.ContainsAsset(string assetName) to check if an asset is registered in the AssetAPI
    • Added AssetAPI.TryInstantiateAsset
  • Gear Component Prefab Support (#15) (@mccad00)
    • Added PrefabAPI.CreateGearComponent(string assetName)
  • Interface Wrappings & Il2CppAPI (#16) (@Kasuromi)
    • Interface wrappings for iTerminalItem, iResourcePackReceiver, iPlayerPingTarget & iWardenObjectiveItem
    • Il2CppAPI.InjectWithInterface<T>() allows for injecting your type which extends these interface wrappings into Il2Cpp
  • GameData API (#17) (@Kasuromi)
    • Moved entrypoint for setting the rundown id to 1
    • Added GameDataAPI.OnGameDataInitialized which can be subscribed to when the game data is fully loaded and the rundown id set to 1
  • Syringe Effect Support (#13) (@Kasuromi)
    • Added Il2CppAPI.GetIl2CppMethod to obtain a delegate or a function pointer for an Il2Cpp method
    • Added PrefabAPI.CreateSyringe(uint itemPersistentId, Action<SyringeFirstPerson> onUse) which can be used to attach a custom OnUse action for any syringe with the persistent id provided
    • Added NativePatch with support for jumping from Native to Managed code at any provided position (EXPERIMENTAL, expected to change)
  • Item Wrapper & Consumable Extension (#18) (@Kasuromi)
    • Wraps GTFO's Item class into ItemWrapped with overridden methods and support for calling the original base method in Item
    • Discards OnPreDespawn and OnPostDespawn in ConsumableInstance in favor of the new Item wrappings

Issues Resolved

Syringe Support (#8) (@Panthr75) - Resolved by @Kasuromi
Implement instantiate to game object from AssetAPI (#11) (@Dexusan) - Resolved by @Kasuromi
Custom Gear Part Support (#14) (@Kasuromi) - Resolved by @mccad00


@mccad00 & @Kasuromi - Code contribution & resolving issues
@Flowaria & @Dexusan - Pull Request reviews regarding this release
@Dexusan, @Panthr75 & @Kasuromi - Opening issues, resolved with this release