This API give many informations about Moto GP of 2021 season
- Riders (name, number, age...)
- Teams (name, moto, riders, manufacturer...)
- Manufacturers (name, nationality...)
- Ractracks (name, country, city...)
- Races (name, country, recatrack...)
To run you should have :
- node, postgresql and sqitch installed
- to create the DB in pg
- run
npm i
- config the sqitch.conf, .env
- run
sqitch deploy --to 1-initdb
- execute the DML in the DB created
- run the app
npm start
- open http://localhost:PORT/api-docs (replace PORT by the port you use for your app).
Now you can test the API in JSDOC SWAGGER And a miniwebsite exist to present all the categories at http://localhost:PORT/