Intended idea is to make an automated chess board where an AI algorithm could move pieces by itself on a physical chess board. It will have the ability to perform attacks and defenses against its opponent
Project Walkthrough (Presentation): Video
Performance measure
Algorithm Complexity
Chess Engine(Game State)
- Generate Valid Moves
- King Check, CheckMate, StaleMate
AI Alogrithm Complexity
- MinMax, Alpha Beta
- Physical Chess Board
- X, Y Mechanism (Physical Pieces Movement)
- Camera (Computer Vision Input)
Observability = (fully or Partial) observable
- Fully
Deterministic = deterministic , stochastic, strategic
- Strategic
Episode = Episode , sequential
- Sequential
Static = static ,dynamic , semi-dynamic
- Semi-Dynamic
Agent = Single agent , multi-agent
- Multi-agent
- Goal based reflex agent
The Game is played on this matrix where:
- w : white | b : black
- P : Pawns
- R : Rook
- N : Knight
- B : Bishop
- Q : Queen
- K : King
- X, Y Movement Mechanism (Mechanical)
- Chess Board Detection (Software)
- Route Detection (Not Colliding With Other Pieces)
- Chess Engine < Game State > (Software)