A task management application built using C++ that organizes tasks by date using linked lists. The Schedule Tracker allows users to manage their tasks effectively by adding tasks with specific priorities and recurrence, viewing all tasks sorted by priority, and displaying upcoming tasks.
- Add Task: Add tasks with a description, priority (high, medium, low), and recurrence (none, daily, weekly, monthly) for a specific date.
- Display All Tasks: View all tasks sorted by priority using linked list traversal.
- Display Future Tasks: View tasks scheduled for dates after the current day.
- Recurring Tasks: Automatically handle tasks with daily, weekly, or monthly recurrence.
- Input Validation: Ensures only valid dates and correct inputs are accepted.
This project is implemented using linked lists to manage tasks and dates efficiently:
Date Linked List: Each date is represented as a node (
) in a linked list.- Contains the day, month, year, and a pointer to the task list for that date.
Task Linked List: Each date node maintains a linked list of tasks (
).- Contains the task description, priority, recurrence type, and a pointer to the next task.
Operations like adding, displaying, and managing tasks are performed through traversal and manipulation of these linked lists.