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extending lingua explanation
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josd committed Mar 26, 2024
1 parent 1242287 commit 34f6a4f
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Showing 19 changed files with 81,899 additions and 12 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion VERSION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lingua/ackermann.trig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,6 @@ _:ng14 {
(3 14) :ackermann var:A7.
(4 0) :ackermann var:A8.
(4 1) :ackermann var:A9.
(4 2) :ackermann var:A10.
#(4 2) :ackermann var:A10. # explanation in 2.5 GB
(5 0) :ackermann var:A11.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lingua/edt.trig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ _:ng3 {
_:ng4 lingua:query _:ng4.

_:ng4 {
edt:i100000 a edt:N10000.
edt:i100000 a edt:N1000.
691 changes: 690 additions & 1 deletion lingua/output/ackermann.trig

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions lingua/output/acp.trig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,68 @@
@prefix : <>.
@prefix lingua: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix var: <>.
@prefix list: <>.

:test :for :PolicyX.
:test :is true.

# ------------------
# lingua explanation
# ------------------

_:gn_1 lingua:explanation _:gn_2.
_:gn_3 lingua:explanation _:gn_4.
_:gn_5 lingua:explanation _:gn_6.

_:gn_1 {
:test1 :policy :PolicyX.
:PolicyX a :Policy.
(_:gn_7 _:gn_8) log:forAllIn ((<>) 1).

_:gn_2 {
:PolicyX :pass :allOfTest.

_:gn_3 {
:test1 :policy :PolicyX.
:PolicyX a :Policy.
(var:_7042 _:gn_9 (:C)) log:collectAllIn ((<>) 1).
(:C) list:length 1 .
1 log:notEqualTo 0.

_:gn_4 {
:PolicyX :pass :anyOfTest.

_:gn_5 {
:test1 :policy :PolicyX.
:PolicyX a :Policy.
(var:_7042 _:gn_10 ()) log:collectAllIn ((<>) 1).
() list:length 0 .
0 log:equalTo 0.

_:gn_6 {
:PolicyX :pass :noneOfTest.

_:gn_7 {
:PolicyX :allOf var:_7044.

_:gn_8 {
:test1 :has var:_7044.

_:gn_9 {
:PolicyX :anyOf var:_7050 .
:test1 :has var:_7050.

_:gn_10 {
:PolicyX :noneOf var:_7050 .
:test1 :has var:_7050.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions lingua/output/backward.trig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
@prefix : <>.
@prefix lingua: <>.
@prefix math: <>.

("this" 5) :moreInterestingThan ("that" 3).

# ------------------
# lingua explanation
# ------------------

_:gn_1 lingua:explanation _:gn_2.

_:gn_1 {
5 math:greaterThan 3.

_:gn_2 {
("this" 5) :moreInterestingThan ("that" 3).
227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions lingua/output/complex.trig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,235 @@
@prefix complex: <>.
@prefix lingua: <>.
@prefix math: <>.

((-1 0) (0.5 0)) complex:exponentiation (6.123233995736766e-17 1.0).
((2.718281828459045 0) (0 3.141592653589793)) complex:exponentiation (-1.0 1.2246467991473532e-16).
((0 1) (0 1)) complex:exponentiation (0.20787957635076193 0.0).
((2.718281828459045 0) (-1.57079632679 0)) complex:exponentiation (0.20787957635177984 0.0).
(2 0) complex:asin (1.5707963267948966 1.3169578969248166).
(2 0) complex:acos (0.0 -1.3169578969248166).

# ------------------
# lingua explanation
# ------------------

_:gn_1 lingua:explanation _:gn_2.
_:gn_3 lingua:explanation _:gn_4.
_:gn_5 lingua:explanation _:gn_6.
_:gn_7 lingua:explanation _:gn_8.
_:gn_9 lingua:explanation _:gn_10.
_:gn_11 lingua:explanation _:gn_12.
_:gn_13 lingua:explanation _:gn_14.
_:gn_15 lingua:explanation _:gn_16.
_:gn_17 lingua:explanation _:gn_18.
_:gn_19 lingua:explanation _:gn_20.
_:gn_21 lingua:explanation _:gn_22.
_:gn_23 lingua:explanation _:gn_24.

_:gn_1 {
-1 math:lessThan 0 .
0 math:notLessThan 0 .
(3.141592653589793 0.0) math:difference 3.141592653589793.

_:gn_2 {
(-1 0 0.0) complex:dial 3.141592653589793.

_:gn_3 {
(-1 2) math:exponentiation 1 .
(0 2) math:exponentiation 0 .
(1 0) math:sum 1 .
(1 0.5) math:exponentiation 1 .
-1 math:absoluteValue 1 .
(1 1) math:quotient 1 .
1 math:acos 0.0 .
(-1 0 0.0) complex:dial 3.141592653589793.

_:gn_4 {
(-1 0) complex:polar (1 3.141592653589793).

_:gn_5 {
(-1 0) complex:polar (1 3.141592653589793).
(1 0.5) math:exponentiation 1 .
0 math:negation 0 .
(0 3.141592653589793) math:product 0.0 .
(2.718281828459045 0.0) math:exponentiation 1 .
(2.718281828459045 0.0) math:exponentiation 1 .
(0 0.0) math:product 0.0 .
(0.5 3.141592653589793) math:product 1.5707963267948966 .
(0.0 1.5707963267948966) math:sum 1.5707963267948966 .
1.5707963267948966 math:cos 6.123233995736766e-17 .
(1 1 6.123233995736766e-17) math:product 6.123233995736766e-17 .
1.5707963267948966 math:sin 1.0 .
(1 1 1.0) math:product 1.0.

_:gn_6 {
((-1 0) (0.5 0)) complex:exponentiation (6.123233995736766e-17 1.0).

_:gn_7 {
2.718281828459045 math:notLessThan 0 .
0 math:notLessThan 0 .
(0 0.0) math:sum 0.0.

_:gn_8 {
(2.718281828459045 0 0.0) complex:dial 0.0.

_:gn_9 {
(2.718281828459045 2) math:exponentiation 7.3890560989306495 .
(0 2) math:exponentiation 0 .
(7.3890560989306495 0) math:sum 7.3890560989306495 .
(7.3890560989306495 0.5) math:exponentiation 2.718281828459045 .
2.718281828459045 math:absoluteValue 2.718281828459045 .
(2.718281828459045 2.718281828459045) math:quotient 1.0 .
1.0 math:acos 0.0 .
(2.718281828459045 0 0.0) complex:dial 0.0.

_:gn_10 {
(2.718281828459045 0) complex:polar (2.718281828459045 0.0).

_:gn_11 {
(2.718281828459045 0) complex:polar (2.718281828459045 0.0).
(2.718281828459045 0) math:exponentiation 1 .
3.141592653589793 math:negation -3.141592653589793 .
(-3.141592653589793 0.0) math:product -0.0 .
(2.718281828459045 -0.0) math:exponentiation 1 .
(2.718281828459045 1.0) math:exponentiation 2.718281828459045 .
(3.141592653589793 1.0) math:product 3.141592653589793 .
(0 0.0) math:product 0.0 .
(3.141592653589793 0.0) math:sum 3.141592653589793 .
3.141592653589793 math:cos -1.0 .
(1 1 -1.0) math:product -1.0 .
3.141592653589793 math:sin 1.2246467991473532e-16 .
(1 1 1.2246467991473532e-16) math:product 1.2246467991473532e-16.

_:gn_12 {
((2.718281828459045 0) (0 3.141592653589793)) complex:exponentiation (-1.0 1.2246467991473532e-16).

_:gn_13 {
0 math:notLessThan 0 .
1 math:notLessThan 0 .
(0 1.5707963267948966) math:sum 1.5707963267948966.

_:gn_14 {
(0 1 1.5707963267948966) complex:dial 1.5707963267948966.

_:gn_15 {
(0 2) math:exponentiation 0 .
(1 2) math:exponentiation 1 .
(0 1) math:sum 1 .
(1 0.5) math:exponentiation 1 .
0 math:absoluteValue 0 .
(0 1) math:quotient 0 .
0 math:acos 1.5707963267948966 .
(0 1 1.5707963267948966) complex:dial 1.5707963267948966.

_:gn_16 {
(0 1) complex:polar (1 1.5707963267948966).

_:gn_17 {
(0 1) complex:polar (1 1.5707963267948966).
(1 0) math:exponentiation 1 .
1 math:negation -1 .
(-1 1.5707963267948966) math:product -1.5707963267948966 .
(2.718281828459045 -1.5707963267948966) math:exponentiation 0.20787957635076193 .
(2.718281828459045 0.0) math:exponentiation 1 .
(1 0.0) math:product 0.0 .
(0 1.5707963267948966) math:product 0.0 .
(0.0 0.0) math:sum 0.0 .
0.0 math:cos 1.0 .
(1 0.20787957635076193 1.0) math:product 0.20787957635076193 .
0.0 math:sin 0.0 .
(1 0.20787957635076193 0.0) math:product 0.0.

_:gn_18 {
((0 1) (0 1)) complex:exponentiation (0.20787957635076193 0.0).

_:gn_19 {
(2.718281828459045 0) complex:polar (2.718281828459045 0.0).
(2.718281828459045 -1.57079632679) math:exponentiation 0.20787957635177984 .
0 math:negation 0 .
(0 0.0) math:product 0.0 .
(2.718281828459045 0.0) math:exponentiation 1 .
(2.718281828459045 1.0) math:exponentiation 2.718281828459045 .
(0 1.0) math:product 0.0 .
(-1.57079632679 0.0) math:product -0.0 .
(0.0 -0.0) math:sum 0.0 .
0.0 math:cos 1.0 .
(0.20787957635177984 1 1.0) math:product 0.20787957635177984 .
0.0 math:sin 0.0 .
(0.20787957635177984 1 0.0) math:product 0.0.

_:gn_20 {
((2.718281828459045 0) (-1.57079632679 0)) complex:exponentiation (0.20787957635177984 0.0).

_:gn_21 {
(1 2) math:sum 3 .
(3 2) math:exponentiation 9 .
(0 2) math:exponentiation 0 .
(9 0) math:sum 9 .
(9 0.5) math:exponentiation 3.0 .
(1 2) math:difference -1 .
(-1 2) math:exponentiation 1 .
(1 0) math:sum 1 .
(1 0.5) math:exponentiation 1 .
(3.0 1) math:difference 2.0 .
(2.0 2) math:quotient 1.0 .
(3.0 1) math:sum 4.0 .
(4.0 2) math:quotient 2.0 .
1.0 math:asin 1.5707963267948966 .
(2.0 2) math:exponentiation 4.0 .
(4.0 1) math:difference 3.0 .
(3.0 0.5) math:exponentiation 1.7320508075688772 .
(2.0 1.7320508075688772) math:sum 3.732050807568877 .
(2.718281828459045 1.3169578969248166) math:exponentiation 3.732050807568877.

_:gn_22 {
(2 0) complex:asin (1.5707963267948966 1.3169578969248166).

_:gn_23 {
(1 2) math:sum 3 .
(3 2) math:exponentiation 9 .
(0 2) math:exponentiation 0 .
(9 0) math:sum 9 .
(9 0.5) math:exponentiation 3.0 .
(1 2) math:difference -1 .
(-1 2) math:exponentiation 1 .
(1 0) math:sum 1 .
(1 0.5) math:exponentiation 1 .
(3.0 1) math:difference 2.0 .
(2.0 2) math:quotient 1.0 .
(3.0 1) math:sum 4.0 .
(4.0 2) math:quotient 2.0 .
1.0 math:acos 0.0 .
(2.0 2) math:exponentiation 4.0 .
(4.0 1) math:difference 3.0 .
(3.0 0.5) math:exponentiation 1.7320508075688772 .
(2.0 1.7320508075688772) math:sum 3.732050807568877 .
(2.718281828459045 1.3169578969248166) math:exponentiation 3.732050807568877 .
1.3169578969248166 math:negation -1.3169578969248166.

_:gn_24 {
(2 0) complex:acos (0.0 -1.3169578969248166).

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