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JustinHsu1019 committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent 095d292 commit f11c27c
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Showing 17 changed files with 122 additions and 88 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions .github/
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Contribution Guide
這個資料夾主要處理 CI Pipeline, 目前僅有檢測程式碼規範 (pre-commit), 且在發 PR & merge to main 才會觸發

We follow GitHub Flow for contributing. The steps are as follows:

1. **Claim an issue**: Start by picking an issue from GitHub.
2. **Create a branch**: Open a new branch with a clear name related to the issue (e.g., `feat/xxxxx-feature`).
3. **Development**: After completing the feature, ensure you run pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit run --all-files
4. **Create PR Request (PR)**:
- Ensure your PR is small and easily reviewable.
- Add the GitHub issue number to the PR title in the format `feat(#123): xxxxxx` for easy reference.
- Write a clear description including the reason for the change and what was modified (`Reason & Changes`).
5. **Review & Approval**:
- Assign the PR to all members of the team for review.
- Wait for at least one approval.
- Ensure all CI checks pass.
6. **Merge**: Once approved and CI passes, merge the branch into `main` yourself.

## Additional Notes
- Keep your commits focused and ensure meaningful commit messages.
- Always rebase your branch on top of `main` before merging.
- Avoid large, multi-purpose PRs. Smaller changes are easier to review and help prevent issues.
Empty file removed .github/
Empty file.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Model/
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# 進行檢索的主程式

會開出一個 API 供 呼叫,每次呼叫會送入一題問題,並回傳一個答案 pid

## utils/
負責呼叫 weaviate & voyage reranker 進行檢索

## utils/
負責處理 config 檔案,並設定 log 檔案
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions Model/
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Expand Up @@ -59,18 +59,18 @@ def get(self):
return response

# TODO: Modify the output format for general RAG purposes
class ChatBot(Resource):
def post(self):
"""retrieve and rank api entry point"""
qid = request.json.get('qid')
source = request.json.get('source')
question = request.json.get('query')
category = request.json.get('category')

# for alpha testing
# for alpha testing (finding best hybrid search alpha)
# alpha = request.json.get('alpha')

# input template
Expand All @@ -81,9 +81,10 @@ def post(self):
# "category": "insurance"
# },

alpha = 0.5
alpha = 0.5 # 最終因使用 Reranker 全盤處理 sources,故任何 alpha 對準確率都無影響

if not question:
# 為避免任何萬一,無論如何都須回傳一個結果,不做 Error logging
response = jsonify({'qid': '1', 'retrieve': '1'})
response.status_code = 200
return response
Expand All @@ -103,19 +104,24 @@ def post(self):
response.status_code = 200
return response
except TypeError:
# 為避免任何萬一,無論如何都須回傳一個結果,不做 Error logging
response = jsonify({'qid': qid, 'retrieve': source[-1]})
response.status_code = 200
return response

# For API Docs
def require_auth_for_docs():
"""Require authentication for API Docs"""
if request.path == '/':
return auth.login_required()(swagger_ui)()

# For API Docs
def swagger_ui():
"""Redirect to the Swagger UI"""
return api.render_doc()

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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Model/utils/
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# flask_app 主程式需呼叫的所有輔助程式

負責呼叫 weaviate & voyage reranker 進行檢索

負責處理 config 檔案,並設定 log 檔案
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Model/utils/
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@

def setup_config_and_logging():
"""Set up the configuration and logging."""
config = configparser.ConfigParser()

logger = logging.getLogger()
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24 changes: 16 additions & 8 deletions Model/utils/
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Expand Up @@ -6,30 +6,34 @@

import utils.config_log as config_log

# 載入設定檔案和日誌設定
config, logger, CONFIG_PATH = config_log.setup_config_and_logging()

# 從 config 中取得 Weaviate URL 和 API 金鑰
wea_url = config.get('Weaviate', 'weaviate_url')
voyage_api_key = config.get('VoyageAI', 'api_key')
PROPERTIES = ['pid', 'content']
wea_url = config.get('Weaviate', 'weaviate_url') # 此次所使用的向量資料庫
voyage_api_key = config.get('VoyageAI', 'api_key') # Voyage Reranker 所使用的 API Key
PROPERTIES = ['pid', 'content'] # 向量資料庫中此 Class 的欄位

# 設定 OpenAI API 金鑰
os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = config.get('OpenAI', 'api_key')

class WeaviateSemanticSearch:
"""Weaviate 向量資料庫的搜尋類別"""

def __init__(self, classnm):
"""初始化 Weaviate 向量資料庫的搜尋類別"""
self.url = wea_url
# 選擇的 OpenAI embedding model
self.embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(chunk_size=1, model='text-embedding-3-large')
self.client = weaviate.Client(url=wea_url)
self.classnm = classnm

def hybrid_search(self, query, source, num, alpha):
"""Weaviate 向量資料庫的搜尋方法"""
query_vector = self.embeddings.embed_query(query)
vector_str = ','.join(map(str, query_vector))

# 下述兩搜索式主要為過濾出 source 中的 pid,並只針對 source 中的 pid 的文件進行 retrieval & rerank
where_conditions = ' '.join([f'{{path: ["pid"], operator: Equal, valueText: "{pid}"}}' for pid in source])

gql_query = f"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,16 +67,20 @@ def hybrid_search(self, query, source, num, alpha):

def rerank_with_voyage(query, documents, pids, api_key):
"""利用 Voyage Reranker 對 Weaviate hybrid search retrieval 的結果進行 rerank"""
vo = voyageai.Client(api_key=api_key)
# 利用 voyage rerank-2 從 hybrid search retrieval 中篩出的所有文件取出最終的 top 1
reranking = vo.rerank(query, documents, model='rerank-2', top_k=1)
top_result = reranking.results[0]

# 根據內容找到相對應的 pid
top_pid = pids[documents.index(top_result.document)]
return {'pid': top_pid, 'relevance_score': top_result.relevance_score}

def search_do(question, category, source, alpha):
""" 呼叫的 '搜尋' 主程式"""

# 先根據題目給定的 category 選擇對應的向量資料庫 Class
if category == 'finance':
vdb_named = 'Financedev'
elif category == 'insurance':
Expand All @@ -81,16 +89,16 @@ def search_do(question, category, source, alpha):
vdb_named = 'Faqdev'

searcher = WeaviateSemanticSearch(vdb_named)
# 從 Weaviate 取得前 100 筆結果
# 從 Weaviate hybrid search retrieval 前 100 筆結果
top_100_results = searcher.hybrid_search(question, source, 100, alpha=alpha)

# 準備文件和 pid 列表供 rerank 使用
documents = [result['content'] for result in top_100_results]
pids = [result['pid'] for result in top_100_results]

# 使用 VoyageAI 重新排序,並取得排名最高的 pid
top_reranked_result = rerank_with_voyage(question, documents, pids, voyage_api_key)

# Log
print('最相關文件的 PID:')
print(f"PID: {top_reranked_result['pid']}")
print(f"相關性分數: {top_reranked_result['relevance_score']}")
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@@ -1 +1,8 @@
# Scripts to process data automatically
# 此資料夾為所有處理資料的程式碼
包含 資料預處理 及 資料寫入資料庫

## data_process/
OCR & PDF 文字直接讀取

此程式為寫入資料庫的程式碼,並包含建立資料庫 class、對資料進行 embedding、利用 text_splitter 去 chunk tokens 數過多的資料
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Preprocess/data_process/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# 此資料夾為資料預處理的程式碼
OCR & PDF 文字直接讀取
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Preprocess/
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Expand Up @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@

class WeaviateManager:
"""Weaviate Insert data 管理器"""

def __init__(self, classnm):
"""初始化 Weaviate 連接"""
self.url = wea_url
self.client = weaviate.Client(url=wea_url, additional_headers={'X-OpenAI-Api-Key': openai_api_key})
self.classnm = classnm

def check_class_exist(self):
"""檢查 class 是否存在"""
if self.client.schema.exists(self.classnm):
print(f'{self.classnm} is ready')
return True
Expand All @@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ def check_class_exist(self):
return True

def insert_data(self, pid, content):
"""插入資料到 Weaviate"""
data_object = {'pid': pid, 'content': content}
max_retries = 5
for attempt in range(max_retries):
Expand All @@ -73,6 +78,7 @@ def insert_data(self, pid, content):
return False

def split_and_insert(self, pid, content, category):
# 使用 TextSplitter 分割長文本
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=4096, chunk_overlap=500)
split_content = text_splitter.split_text(content)
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73 changes: 15 additions & 58 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# AI CUP 2024 玉山人工智慧公開挑戰賽-RAG與LLM在金融問答的應用

## Development Mode
## Repo Structure
(主要用 # 介紹沒有在 folder 內獨立檔案)

## Setup Environment
To set up the development environment, follow these steps:

1. Create a virtual environment:
Expand All @@ -20,84 +25,36 @@ To set up the development environment, follow these steps:

4. Manually add your `secret key` to the `config.ini`.
(需展開解釋 config.ini 內的每一項 key)

5. Create a `logs` directory:
mkdir logs

6. Navigate to the `docker` directory (optional):
6. Navigate to the `docker` directory:
cd docker

7. Start the Docker environment (optional):
7. Start the Docker environment (weaviate database):
docker-compose up -d

8. Run the Flask app:
python3 src/
8. Data preprocessing:

## Docker Production Mode

1. Copy the configuration example and create your own config file:
cp config_example.ini config.ini

2. Manually add your `secret key` to the `config.ini`.

3. Create a `logs` directory:
mkdir logs
9. Data insert to weaviate:

4. Navigate to the `docker` directory:
10. Run the Flask app:
cd docker
python3 src/

5. Start the Docker environment:
docker-compose up -d
11. 將主辦方提供的 questions.json 測試資料塞入 data/:

6. Build the Docker image:
docker build -t aicup_img -f dockerfile .
12. 運行 進行測試得出 data/pred_retrieve.json 提交最終結果給主辦方:

7. Run the Docker container:
docker run -d -p 5001:5001 --name aicup_cont aicup_img

## Folder-specific Details
For more detailed information about each folder and its purpose, refer to the individual `` files located in their respective directories.

## Contribution Guide
We follow GitHub Flow for contributing. The steps are as follows:

1. **Claim an issue**: Start by picking an issue from GitHub.
2. **Create a branch**: Open a new branch with a clear name related to the issue (e.g., `feat/xxxxx-feature`).
3. **Development**: After completing the feature, ensure you run pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit run --all-files
4. **Create PR Request (PR)**:
- Ensure your PR is small and easily reviewable.
- Add the GitHub issue number to the PR title in the format `feat(#123): xxxxxx` for easy reference.
- Write a clear description including the reason for the change and what was modified (`Reason & Changes`).
5. **Review & Approval**:
- Assign the PR to all members of the team for review.
- Wait for at least one approval.
- Ensure all CI checks pass.
6. **Merge**: Once approved and CI passes, merge the branch into `main` yourself.

## Additional Notes
- Keep your commits focused and ensure meaningful commit messages.
- Always rebase your branch on top of `main` before merging.
- Avoid large, multi-purpose PRs. Smaller changes are easier to review and help prevent issues.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions config_example.ini
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@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
weaviate_url =

api_key =

api_key =

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# 所有 Questions, Answers, References, etc. 等“資料”都會存於此資料夾
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions docker/
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# 此資料夾紀錄所有docker相關的內容

為 docker 安裝的腳本,只需運行此 sh 便可 setup docker & docker-compose

## docker-compose.yml
為 docker-compose 的設定檔,可透過 docker-compose 指令來觸發,裡面僅包含 weaviate 資料庫的啟動

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