Correctly concatenates .po files.
Install the plugin with the following command:
npm install gulp-concat-po --save-dev
var gulp = require('gulp');
var concatPo = require('gulp-concat-po');
gulp.task('default', function () {
return gulp.src(['src/gettext/*.po'])
Type: String
Name of the resulting file.
Type: Object
A list of headers that will be used in the resulting .po file. The object can contain the following keys:
- Project-Id-Version
- Report-Msgid-Bugs-To
- POT-Creation-Date
- PO-Revision-Date
- Last-Translator
- Language
- Language-Team
- Content-Type
- Content-Transfer-Encoding
- Plural-Forms
Description of the fields can be found here. If a field is not specified the value from the first file in the stream will be used.
MIT © Dmitriy Simushev