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Julia package for performing tensor contractions on distributed machines


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QXContexts is a Julia package for simulating quantum circuits using tensor network approaches and targeting large distributed memory clusters with hardware accelerators. It was developed as part of the QuantEx project, one of the individual software projects of WP8 of PRACE 6IP.

QXContexts is one of a family of packages each with a different aim. QXContexts is the package that is designed to the do the bulk of the computations and makes use of distributed compute resources via MPI.jl as well as hardware accelerators. OMEinsum.jl and TensorOperations.jl are currently used to carry out the tensor contraction operations.


QXContexts is a Julia package and can be installed using Julia's inbuilt package manager from the Julia REPL using.

import Pkg

or directly from the github repository with

import Pkg

Custom system image

Using a custom system image can greatly reduce the latency when starting computations. To build a custom system image one can run the following commands from the Julia REPL

import QXContexts

This can take up to a half hour to compile and will produce a shared object system image file in the root folder of the project. This will have a different suffix depending on the platform (.so for Linux systems, .dylib for macOS and .dll for windows systems). To use the system image the --sysimage (or equivalently -J) can be used providing the path to the system image. For example

julia --project

For development it is useful to use a system image without any of the functions from QXContexts itself begin compiled. To do this one can call the compile function with dev set to true as


Example usage

QXContexts uses input files generated by QXTools which describe the computation to be performed. An example of the input files for a five qubit GHZ circuit are provided in the examples/ghz folder. This example can be run directly using the examples/ghz_example.jl script or this can be run using the CLI bin/qxrun.jl script with the following command

julia --project bin/qxrun.jl -d examples/ghz/ghz_5.qx\
                             -i examples/ghz/ghz_5.jld2\
                             -p examples/ghz/ghz_5.yml\
                             -o examples/ghz/out.jld2

where the -d, -i and -p switches describe the DSL file, input data file and parameter file to use respectively. The -o switch refers to the output file. If all three files have the same prefix, then it is only necessary to provide the name of the dsl file so the example could also be run with the command

julia --project bin/qxrun.jl -d examples/ghz/ghz_5.qx -o examples/ghz/out.jld2

The output is written to a JLD2 file. A small utility script called examine_output.jl is provided that allows examination of this output which can be used as

julia --project bin/examine_output.jl examples/ghz/out.jld2

Enable timing

To get timing information on the different sections of the code the code has been instrumented with TimerOutputs.jl. To enable this one can add the --timings (or -t) switch to the CLI command.

julia --project bin/qxrun.jl -d examples/ghz/ghz_5.qx -o examples/ghz/out.jld2 -t

Enable debugging

To get detailed debugging information one can include the package name in the JULIA_DEBUG environment variable. For example

JULIA_DEBUG=QXContexts julia --project bin/qxrun.jl -d examples/ghz/ghz_5.qx -o examples/ghz/out.jld2

This generates very verbose output so care should be taking when using this for large runs.

Enable logging

To log debug and performance information to files QXContexts has 3 logger-models:

  • QXLogger: the default stdout logger: useful for single node, single process logging (interactive)
  • QXLoggerMPIShared: an MPI-IO shared-file logger: all MPI ranks share a single file for writing their respective logs; blocking.
  • QXLoggerMPIPerRank: MPI-enabled file per rank logger: non-blocking debug files created per MPI rank.

The loggers can be (individually) instantiated by selecting the global logger to use with one of the following:


Running with MPI

MPI is used to use multiple processes for computation. The mpiexecjl script can be used to launch Julia on multiple processes. See MPI.jl documentation for details on how to set this up. For example to run the above example with 4 processes one would use the following:

mpiexecjl --project -n 4 julia bin/qxrun.jl -d examples/ghz/ghz_5.qx -o examples/ghz/out.jld2

In this case the amplitudes that are to be calculated are split between the processes. For larger cases where many partitions are used for each amplitude it can be useful to split this calculation over many processes also. The --sub-communicator-size (or -m) option can be used to specify the size of sub-communicators to use for each amplitude. For example

mpiexecjl --project -n 4 julia bin/qxrun.jl -d examples/ghz/ghz_5.qx -o examples/ghz/out.jld2 -m 2

Here the four processes are split between two communicators, each with two processes.

Using GPUs

On systems with NVIDIA GPUs, these can be used by passing a --gpu (or -g) flag to qxrun.jl on the command line.


Contributions from users are welcome and we encourage users to open issues and submit merge/pull requests for any problems or feature requests they have. The has further details of the contribution guidelines.

Building documentation

QXSim.jl using Documenter.jl to generate documentation. To build the documentation locally run the following from the top-level folder.

The first time it is will be necessary to instantiate the environment to install dependencies

julia --project=docs 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd())); Pkg.instantiate()'

and then to build the documentation

julia --project=docs docs/make.jl

To serve the generated documentation locally use

julia --project=docs -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("LiveServer"); using LiveServer; serve(dir="docs/build")'

Or with python3 using from the docs/build folder using

python3 -m http.server

The generated documentation should now be viewable locally in a browser at http://localhost:8000.


Julia package for performing tensor contractions on distributed machines







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