v0.21.0 (2019-07-16)
Closed issues:
- Switch number parsing to Parsers.jl (#284)
- JSON boolean values not parsed as Julia Bool (#275)
- Support top-level JSON arrays (#273)
- can't set type to Float32 (#272)
- Update Julia version badge to 1.X (#270)
- Reading NaN and Inf (#168)
- Access to undefined reference serializing
Merged pull requests:
- Restructure Project.toml, bump version for next release (#290) (ararslan)
- Allow specifying a value to use when parsing null (#289) (ararslan)
- Switch from REQUIRE to Project.toml (#286) (kmsquire)
- Parse floats using Parsers.jl (fixes #284) (#285) (kmsquire)
- Update benchmarks to Julia 1.x (#282) (kmsquire)
- Added inline documentation for exported APIs (#281) (kmsquire)
- RFC: Add
keyword argument to parse() (Fixes #168) (#280) (kmsquire) - Fix indexing of ESCAPED_ARRAY (#274) (krrutkow)