This package provides a wrapper around ImageMagick version 6. It was split off from Images.jl to make image I/O more modular.
Add the package with
ImageMagick will be used as needed if you've said
using FileIO
in your session or module. You should not generally say using ImageMagick
. See FileIO for
further details.
It's worth pointing out that packages such as Images.jl load FileIO for you.
Loading an image is then as simple as
img = load(filename[; view=false])
Set view=true
to reduce memory consumption when loading large files, possibly
at some slight cost in terms of performance of future operations.
ImageMagick.jl will use the system-wide libMagicWand in /usr/local/lib
if it is
present. Use the environment variable MAGICK_HOME
to add other paths to the search
path. Note that version 6.7+ (up to but not including 7.0) are the most supported versions, in
particular for multipage TIFFs. Use ImageMagick.libversion
to see what version the installer
found. If ImageMagick.jl doesn't find a previous installation, it will install its own copy of the
ImageMagick library with Homebrew.jl.
ImageMagick.jl 0.3.0 introduced significant improvements in the installation procedure for OSX users. If you've had trouble with previous versions of ImageMagick.jl and attempted to resolve problems manually, some of your workarounds might interfere with the new approach. You can reset your build with
using Homebrew
You may also find debugging Homebrew useful.
Finally, an alternative to ImageMagick on OS X is QuartzImageIO.
If automatic installation fails, get the current version from
(e.g. ImageMagick-6.8.8-7-Q16-x86-dll.exe) and make sure that the "Install
development headers and libraries for C and C++" checkbox is selected. You may
choose to let the installer add the installation directory to the system path or
provide it separately. In the later case you may add it to your .juliarc.jl
file as (for example) push!(Base.DL_LOAD_PATH, "C:/programs/ImageMagick-6.8.8"
). Alternatively, you can set your MAGICK_HOME
environment variable.
When manual intervention is necessary, you need to restart Julia for the necessary changes to take effect.
ImageMagick.jl automatically searches for an installed version of
libMagickWand. Use the environment variable MAGICK_HOME
to add to the search
path. Use ImageMagick.libversion()
to see what version it found. Version 6.7+
(up to but not including 7.0) are the most supported versions, in particular
for multipage TIFFs.
The environment variable MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT
can be used to throttle multithreading.