ImageMagick v0.7.6
Closed issues:
- Build fails on openSUSE Tumbleweed system (#113)
- ImageMagick test fails on Julia 1.0 (#126)
- VideoIO tests fail to find zlib1.2.9 when loading ImageMagick.jl on Travis (#130)
- Cannot be build on Julia v1.0 (#133)
- Test fail on Ubuntu 16.04 (#135)
- Can't build ImageMagick on Centos 7 because libtiffxx.so can't be loaded (#137)
- some ZLIB problem? (#142)
- Failed to build ImageMagick on Julia - Ubuntu 18.04 (#147)
- Compatibility issues while building (#151)
- "troubleshooting" section on README needs updating given BinaryBuilder build process (#160)
- FreeBSD broken (#161)
- Build fails on Windows behind a proxy (#162)
- Build fails on Windows (Travis CI) (#163)
- Failed to build on windows: ERROR: Can not create symbolic link (#164)
- Unable to build on CentOS 7 "cannot generate deps.jl" (#167)
- Application crashing when corrupt image is decoded, can't try-catch (#182)
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade to Julia 1.3+, use JLL package for ImageMagick (#168) (@staticfloat)
- Remove outdated install help (#169) (@timholy)
- Add bounds to all dependencies and prepare for release (#170) (@timholy)
- Add some precompile statements and clean up the tests (#171) (@timholy)
- Save Bool image with 1-bit depth (#172) (@timholy)
- Rely on ImageCore for FixedPointNumbers&ColorTypes (#174) (@timholy)
- Suppress repetitive 32bit TIFF warnings (#175) (@alyst)
- Fix "tmp not defined" in exportimagepixels!() (#176) (@alyst)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#178) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Get bit depth from all images in stack (#179) (@timholy)
- fixed IOBuffer issue (#180) (@Arkoniak)
- Avoid using the deprecated ColorView type (#185) (@timholy)
- A compat release for older versions of Julia (#186) (@timholy)
- Create CompatHelper.yml (#187) (@johnnychen94)