YAXArrays v0.4.6
Closed issues:
- Missing Netcdf metadata (#158)
- More useful printing of Datasets (#192)
- InDims type error (#227)
- update dataset values (#229)
- setchunks doesn't work as expected (#240)
- logo (#245)
- Adding a Cube to existing Cube (#246)
- open_mfdataset function not exported? (#247)
- Building a very large cube (#248)
- Accessing variables with symbols in the name (#251)
- mapslices fails on a 2D cube (#252)
- Shape of output Cube - regridding (#254)
Merged pull requests:
- Add GitHub action "Register Package" (#214) (@singularitti)
- Fixed the type issue (#228) (@Qfl3x)
- WIP: Fix bug when broadcasted axes in table are in front position (#236) (@meggart)
- up ci docs (#238) (@lazarusA)
- Implement nicer printing for dataset (#241) (@felixcremer)
- add c from f & up docs contribute (#242) (@lazarusA)
- New logo (#253) (@pdimens)
- Turorial (#257) (@linamaes)
- adding: MSC example, esdl example section , +edits (#258) (@linamaes)
- a fix using Makie (#259) (@lazarusA)
- use static thread scheduling (#260) (@felixcremer)
- Try several optimisers and give up otherwise (#263) (@meggart)
- Update Project.toml (#264) (@meggart)