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Add frequency estimators by Jacobsen and Quinn (#503)
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    * `jacobsen`, a very fast algorithm that performs a three-point
      curve fit around the DFT peak. Not super accurate.
    * `quinn`, a very accurate iterative algorithm based on ARMA(2,2).
      It requires an initial frequency estimate (which may be
      provided by `jacobsen`).

    Both algorithms work with real and complex signals.


Co-authored-by: Miguel Bazdresch <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Martin Holters <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Viral B. Shah <[email protected]>
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4 people authored Mar 1, 2024
1 parent dd7c13f commit a38ae74
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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159 changes: 158 additions & 1 deletion src/estimation.jl
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module Estimation

using LinearAlgebra: eigen, svd
using FFTW
using Statistics: mean

export esprit
export esprit, jacobsen, quinn

esprit(x::AbstractArray, M::Integer, p::Integer, Fs::Real=1.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,4 +43,159 @@ function esprit(x::AbstractArray, M::Integer, p::Integer, Fs::Real=1.0)

jacobsen(x::AbstractVector, Fs::Real = 1.0)
Estimate the largest frequency in the complex signal `x` using Jacobsen's
algorithm [^Jacobsen2007]. Argument `Fs` is the sampling frequency. All
frequencies are expressed in Hz.
If the signal `x` is real, the estimated frequency is guaranteed to be
positive, but it may be highly inaccurate (especially for frequencies close to
zero or to `Fs/2`).
If the sampling frequency `Fs` is not provided, then it is assumed that `Fs =
[^Jacobsen2007]: E Jacobsen and P Kootsookos, "Fast, Accurate Frequency Estimators", Chapter
10 in "Streamlining Digital Signal Processing", edited by R. Lyons, 2007, IEEE Press.
function jacobsen(x::AbstractVector, Fs::Real = 1.0)
N = length(x)
X = fft(x)
k = argmax(abs.(X)) # index of DFT peak
fpeak = fftfreq(N, Fs)[k] # peak frequency
if (k == N) # k+1 is OOB -- X[k+1] = X[1]
Xkm1 = X[N-1]
Xkp1 = X[1]
elseif (k == 1) # k-1 is OOB -- X[k-1] = X[N]
Xkp1 = X[2]
Xkm1 = X[N]
Xkp1 = X[k+1]
Xkm1 = X[k-1]
δ = -real( (Xkp1 - Xkm1) / (2X[k] - Xkm1 - Xkp1) )
estimate = fpeak + δ*Fs/N
# if signal is real, return positive frequency
if eltype(x) <: Real
return abs(estimate)
return estimate

quinn(x::Vector, f0::Real, Fs::Real = 1.0 ; tol = 1e-6, maxiters = 20)
quinn(x::Vector, Fs::Real = 1.0 ; kwargs...)
quinn(x::Vector ; kwargs...)
Algorithms by Quinn and Quinn & Fernandes for frequency estimation. Given a
signal `x` and an initial guess `f0`, estimate and return the frequency of the
largest sinusoid in `x`. `Fs` is the sampling frequency. All frequencies are
expressed in Hz.
If the initial guess `f0` is not provided, then a guess is calculated using
Jacobsen's estimator. If the sampling frequency `Fs` is not provided, then it
is assumed that `Fs = 1.0`.
The following keyword arguments control the algorithm's behavior:
- `tol`: the algorithm stops when the absolut value of the difference between
two consecutive estimates is less than `tol`. Defaults to `1e-6`.
- `maxiters`: the maximum number of iterations to run. Defaults to `20`.
Returns a tuple `(estimate, reachedmaxiters)`, where `estimate` is the
estimated frequency, and `reachedmaxiters` is `true` if the algorithm finished
after running for `maxiters` iterations (this may indicate that the algorithm
did not converge).
If the signal `x` is real, then the algorithm used is [^Quinn1991]. If the signal is
complex, the algorithm is [^Quinn2009].
[^Quinn1991]: B Quinn and J Fernandes, "A fast efficient technique for the
estimation of frequency", Biometrika, Vol. 78 (1991).
[^Quinn2009]: B Quinn, "Recent advances in rapid frequency estimation", Digital
Signal Processing, Vol. 19 (2009), Elsevier.
quinn(x ; kwargs...) = quinn(x, jacobsen(x, 1.0), 1.0 ; kwargs...)

quinn(x, Fs ; kwargs...) = quinn(x, jacobsen(x, Fs), Fs ; kwargs...)

function quinn(x::Vector{<:Real}, f0::Real, Fs::Real ; tol = 1e-6, maxiters = 20)
fₙ = Fs/2
N = length(x)

# Run a quick estimate of largest sinusoid in x
ω̂ = π*f0/fₙ

# remove DC
x .= x .- mean(x)

# Initialize algorithm
α = 2cos(ω̂)

# iteration
ξ = zeros(eltype(x), N)
β = zero(eltype(x))
iter = 0
@inbounds while iter < maxiters
iter += 1
ξ[1] = x[1]
ξ[2] = x[2] + α*ξ[1]
for t in 3:N
ξ[t] = x[t] + α*ξ[t-1] - ξ[t-2]
β = ξ[2]/ξ[1]
for t = 3:N
β += (ξ[t]+ξ[t-2])*ξ[t-1]
β = β/(ξ[1:end-1]'*ξ[1:end-1])
abs- β) < tol && break
α = 2β-α

fₙ*acos(0.5*β)/π, iter == maxiters

function quinn(x::Vector{<:Complex}, f0::Real, Fs::Real ; tol = 1e-6, maxiters = 20)
fₙ = Fs/2
N = length(x)

ω̂ = π*f0/fₙ

# Remove any DC term in x
x .= x .- mean(x)

# iteration
ξ = zeros(eltype(x), N)
iter = 0
@inbounds while iter < maxiters
iter += 1
# step 2
ξ[1] = x[1]
for t in 2:N
ξ[t] = x[t] + exp(complex(0,ω̂))*ξ[t-1]
# step 3
S = let s = 0.0
for t=2:N
s += x[t]*conj(ξ[t-1])
num = imag(S*cis(-ω̂))
den = sum(abs2.(ξ[1:end-1]))
ω̂ += 2*num/den

# stop condition
(abs(2*num/den) < tol) && break

fₙ*ω̂/π, iter == maxiters

end # end module definition
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions test/estimation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -19,3 +19,80 @@ using DSP, Test
frequencies_estimated = sort(esprit(x, M, p, Fs))
@test isapprox(frequencies', frequencies_estimated; atol = 1e-2)

@testset "jacobsen" begin
fs = 100
t = range(0, 5, step = 1/fs)
# test at two arbitrary frequencies
fc = -40.3
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t .+ π/1.4)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
fc = 14.3
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t .+ π/3)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
# test near fs/2
fc = 49.90019
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
# test near -fs/2
fc = -49.90019
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
# test near +zero
fc = 0.04
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
# test near -zero
fc = -0.1
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
# tests for real signals: test only around fs/4, where the
# expected error is small.
fr = 28.3
sr = cos.(2π*fr*t .+ π/4.2)
f_est_real = jacobsen(sr, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr, atol = 1e-5)
fr = 23.45
sr = sin.(2π*fr*t .+ 3π/2.2)
f_est_real = jacobsen(sr, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr, atol = 1e-5)

@testset "quinn" begin
### real input
fs = 100
t = range(0, 5, step = 1/fs)
fr = 28.3
sr = cos.(2π*fr*t .+ π/4.2)
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sr, 50, fs)
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr, atol = 1e-3)
# use default initial guess
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sr, fs) # initial guess given by Jacobsen
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr, atol = 1e-3)
# use default fs
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sr) # fs = 1.0, initial guess given by Jacobsen
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr/fs, atol = 1e-3)
### complex input
fc = -40.3
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t .+ π/1.4)
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sc, -20, fs)
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fc, atol = 1e-3)
# use default initial guess
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sc, fs) # initial guess given by Jacobsen
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fc, atol = 1e-3)
# use default fs
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sc) # fs = 1.0, initial guess by Jacobsen
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fc/fs, atol = 1e-3)

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