sif is a simple imperative procedural language made with the goal of being a slightly-higher-level C.
#include "core:basic.sif"
proc main() {
print("Hello, World!\n");
- The basic stuff: variables, procedures, structs, ints, floats, bool, pointers, arrays, etc
- Length-delimited strings, not null-terminated
- Order-independent declarations
- Operator overloading
- Procedural and structural polymorphism
statement for composition- Runtime type information
- Be on Windows (will support other platforms in the future)
- Clone the repo
- Open
x64 Native Tools Command Prompt
(or any other terminal withvcvars64.bat
run) - Run
build.bat release
- Put the following into a file called
#include "core:basic.sif"
proc main() {
print("Hello, World!\n");
- Run
sif.exe run my_program.sif
You can find a demo video where I go over a few key features of Sif here.
You can find the source code for a small sample game here.
The following is a demo program showing off many of the features of sif. You can find the source file at examples/demo/main.sif
#include "core:basic.sif"
proc main() {
print("| sif language demo |\n");
// cool stuff starts here
proc basic_stuff() {
print("\n\n---- basic_stuff ----\n");
// declaration syntax
// <variable name>: <type> = <expression>;
a1: int = 123;
print("%\n", a1);
// either <type> or <expression> can be omitted, but not both
a2: int;
a3 := 2;
// if no value is given, the memory will be zeroed
b1: int;
assert(b1 == 0);
// if the type is omitted, it can be inferred from the right-hand-side expression
b2 := 456;
assert(typeof(b2) == int);
print("%\n", b2);
b3 := 456.0;
assert(typeof(b3) == float);
print("%\n", b3);
// Local procedures, structs, and enums are allowed.
proc factorial(n: int) : int {
if (n == 1) {
return 1;
return n * factorial(n-1);
// since factorial() returns an int, the type can be inferred here too
fact := factorial(5);
print("%\n", fact);
assert(fact == 120);
assert(typeof(fact) == int);
// number literals are "untyped" and can coerce when needed
c: int = 12;
d: float = 12;
// even when nested under binary expressions
e: float = 11 / 2;
assert(e == 5.5);
// without type inference the "untyped" numbers default to int, as above
f := 11 / 2;
assert(f == 5);
// if a `.` is present, float will be assumed, as above
g := 11.0 / 2;
assert(g == 5.5);
proc arrays() {
print("\n\n---- arrays ----\n");
my_array: [4]int;
my_array[0] = 1;
my_array[1] = 2;
my_array[2] = 3;
my_array[3] = 4;
print("%\n", my_array);
// As with structs, compound literals work with arrays
my_array = .{4, 3, 2, 1};
print("%\n", my_array);
// Arrays are value types, so calling a function that changes the array
// parameter will not affect the array at the call-site
proc arrays_by_value(arr: [4]int) {
arr[0] = 123;
arr[1] = 345;
arr[2] = 567;
arr[3] = 789;
print("%\n", my_array);
assert(my_array[0] == 4);
assert(my_array[1] == 3);
assert(my_array[2] == 2);
assert(my_array[3] == 1);
proc slices() {
print("\n\n---- slices ----\n");
array: [4]int;
array[2] = 124;
print("%\n", array[2]);
slice := slice_ptr(&array[0], array.count);
assert(slice[2] == 124);
slice[2] = 421;
print("%\n", slice[2]);
assert(array[2] == 421);
proc strings() {
print("\n\n---- strings ----\n");
// strings in sif are length-delimited rather than null-terminated.
// the string type is implemented as:
// struct String {
// data: rawptr;
// count: int;
// }
assert(sizeof(string) == 16);
// since strings are length-delimited this means you can trivially
// take a substring without allocating and copying
a := "Hello, World!";
hello: string; = &a[0];
hello.count = 5;
assert(hello == "Hello");
print("%\n", hello);
world: string; = &a[7];
world.count = 5;
assert(world == "World");
print("%\n", world);
// todo(josh): cstrings
proc structs() {
print("\n\n---- structs ----\n");
struct Foo {
a: int;
str: string;
t: bool;
f: Foo;
assert(f.a == 0); // everything is zero initialized by default
f.a = 123;
f.str = "foozle";
f.t = f.a * 2 == 246;
// Can also use compound literals to initialize
f = Foo.{149, "hellooo", false};
// The type of the compound literal can be inferred from context.
// Since the compiler knows the type of 'f', you don't have to specify
// it in the compound literal.
f = .{149, "hellooo", false};
// using runtime type information, you can print whole structs, more on that below.
print("%\n", f);
// Type inference also works when calling procedures, since the target type is known
takes_a_foo(.{123, "wow", true});
proc takes_a_foo(foo: Foo) {
print("%\n", foo);
proc enums() {
print("\n\n---- enums ----\n");
enum My_Enum {
f := My_Enum.FOO;
print("%\n", f);
// If the enum type can be inferred from context, you don't have to
// specify it on the right-hand-side.
b: My_Enum = .BAR; // implicit enum selection
print("%\n", b);
// Implicit enum selection also works in binary expressions
if (b == .BAR) {
// Note: the following will NOT work because the compiler can't
// figure out the enum type to search for the fields FOO and BAR.
// if (.FOO == .BAR) {
// }
// If at least one of them supplies the target enum, all good.
if (.FOO == My_Enum.BAR) {
// As with compound literals, the type can also be inferred from
// procedure parameters, allowing you to omit the enum name.
proc takes_my_enum(e: My_Enum) {
print("%\n", e);
proc order_independence() {
print("\n\n---- order_independence ----\n");
// declaration order does not matter. the compiler figures
// out what depends on what for you. delete all your .h files :)
loopy: Loopy;
print("%\n", sizeof(typeof(loopy.a)));
print("%\n", sizeof(typeof(nesty)));
assert(sizeof(typeof(loopy.a)) == 8);
assert(sizeof(typeof(nesty)) == 64);
nesty: [sizeof(typeof(ptr_to_loopy^))]int;
ptr_to_loopy: ^Loopy;
struct Loopy {
a: [sizeof(typeof(ptr_to_loopy))]bool;
proc varargs() {
print("\n\n---- varargs ----\n");
proc procedure_with_varargs(numbers: {
print("varargs count: %\n", numbers.count);
for (i := 0; i < numbers.count; i += 1) {
print(" %\n", numbers[i]);
procedure_with_varargs(1, 2, 3, 4);
procedure_with_varargs(5, 6);
proc references() {
print("\n\n---- references ----\n");
my_int := 123;
print("%\n", my_int);
assert(my_int == 123);
// reference implicitly take/dereference pointers depending on context
// and are (currently, will likely change) denoted by a `>` before the type
int_reference: >int = my_int; // implicit `&my_int` after `=`
int_reference = 789; // implicit `int_reference^` before `=`
assert(int_reference == 789);
assert(my_int == 789);
print("%\n", int_reference);
// you can also define procedures that take (and return) references, of course
proc change_by_reference(a: >int, value: int) {
// since `a` is a reference, it is implicitly a pointer
// and dereferences/indirections are inserted automatically
a = value;
assert(my_int == 789);
change_by_reference(my_int, 456);
assert(my_int == 456);
print("%\n", my_int);
// the only real reason I implemented references is for overloading []
// which you can see below in the structural_polymorphism() and
// dynamic_array() procedures
proc runtime_type_information() {
print("\n\n---- runtime_type_information ----\n");
// Every type in your program gets it's own Type_Info struct that holds
// information about that type, depending on the kind of type it is. If
// it's a struct it has information about all the fields, if it is an
// array it has the count and type that it is an array of, etc.
// you can view all of the Type_Info structs in core/runtime.sif.
// Using get_type_info() you can get information about a type.
// The thing returned from get_type_info() is a ^Type_Info, which contains
// a field `kind` indicating what _kind_ of type it is, such as INTEGER,
// FLOAT, STRUCT, PROCEDURE, etc. Type_Info just contains the data relevant
// to all types, such as size and alignment. To get more detailed information
// about a type, check the `kind` field and cast the ^Type_Info to the appropriate
// derived type:
// ^Type_Info_Integer if `kind` is INTEGER
// ^Type_Info_Struct if `kind` is STRUCT
// ^Type_Info_Procedure if `kind` is PROCEDURE
// etc.
// Again, you can view all of the Type_Info structs in core/runtime.sif.
// Type_Info_Integer just has a bool indicating whether it's signed or unsigned
int_type_info: ^Type_Info = get_type_info(int);
assert(int_type_info.kind == Type_Info_Integer);
int_type_info_kind := cast(^Type_Info_Integer, int_type_info);
assert(int_type_info_kind.is_signed == true);
uint_type_info: ^Type_Info = get_type_info(uint);
assert(uint_type_info.kind == Type_Info_Integer);
uint_type_info_kind := cast(^Type_Info_Integer, uint_type_info);
assert(uint_type_info_kind.is_signed == false);
// Type_Info_Struct is a lot more interesting. It contains a list of all the fields,
// and their types, and their byte offsets
struct My_Cool_Struct {
foo: int;
bar: string;
nested: Nested_Struct;
struct Nested_Struct {
more_things: [4]Vector3;
my_cool_struct_ti := get_type_info(My_Cool_Struct);
assert(my_cool_struct_ti.kind == Type_Info_Struct);
my_cool_struct_ti_kind := cast(^Type_Info_Struct, my_cool_struct_ti);
for (i := 0; i < my_cool_struct_ti_kind.fields.count; i += 1) {
field := my_cool_struct_ti_kind.fields[i];
print(" field: %, type: %, offset: %\n",, field.type.printable_name, field.offset);
// using runtime type information, the print() function can print whole
// structs intelligently. you can view the implementation of print()
// in core/basic.sif
print("%\n", int_type_info_kind^);
// prints: Type_Info_Integer{base = Type_Info{printable_name = "i64",
// kind = Type_Info_Kind.INTEGER, id = i64, size = 8, align = 8},
// is_signed = true}
proc using_statement() {
print("\n\n---- using_statement ----\n");
// 'using' pulls a namespace's declarations into the namespace
// of the using.
enum My_Enum_For_Using {
// For example if we wanted to print the elements from My_Enum_For_Using
// you would have to do it like this:
print("%\n", My_Enum_For_Using.FOO);
print("%\n", My_Enum_For_Using.BAR);
print("%\n", My_Enum_For_Using.BAZ);
// But if you didn't want to do all that typing all the time, you could
// 'using' that enum:
using My_Enum_For_Using;
print("%\n", FOO);
print("%\n", BAR);
print("%\n", BAZ);
// You can use 'using' inside structs as well, to get a form of subtyping
// that is more flexible than conventional inheritance.
struct My_Struct_With_Using {
using other: My_Other_Struct;
struct My_Other_Struct {
some_field: int;
my_struct: My_Struct_With_Using;
my_struct.some_field = 321; // no need to write 'my_struct.other.some_field'
print("%\n", my_struct.some_field);
assert(my_struct.some_field == my_struct.other.some_field);
using my_struct;
print("%\n", some_field); // no need to write 'my_struct.other.some_field'
assert(some_field == my_struct.other.some_field);
// You can 'using' as many fields as you'd like, provided that the names
// do not collide.
// 'using' in procedure parameters works too
proc a_proc_with_using(using x: My_Struct_With_Using, param: int) {
print("%\n", some_field + param);
a_proc_with_using(my_struct, 2);
a_proc_with_using(my_struct, 4);
proc defer_statement() {
print("\n\n---- defer_statement ----\n");
// 'defer' executes a statement at the end of the current block
a := 123;
defer a = 321;
assert(a == 123);
assert(a == 321);
// a good use-case for defer is memory management, keeping the
// freeing of resources nearby the acquision site
some_allocated_memory := new_slice(int, 16, default_allocator());
defer delete_slice(some_allocated_memory, default_allocator());
// ... do a bunch of work with some_allocated_memory
// if there are multiple defers, they are executed in reverse order
defer print("Will print third\n");
defer print("Will print second\n");
defer print("Will print first\n");
// in addition to automatically running at the end of blocks, normal
// control flow statements like 'break', 'continue', and 'return' also
// invoke defers
a := 123;
for (i := 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
if (i == 7) {
defer a = 321;
assert(a == 123);
assert(a == 321);
struct Vector3 {
x: float;
y: float;
z: float;
operator +(a: Vector3, b: Vector3) : Vector3 {
return Vector3.{a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z};
operator -(a: Vector3, b: Vector3) : Vector3 {
return Vector3.{a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z};
operator *(a: Vector3, b: Vector3) : Vector3 {
return Vector3.{a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y, a.z * b.z};
operator /(a: Vector3, b: Vector3) : Vector3 {
return Vector3.{a.x / b.x, a.y / b.y, a.z / b.z};
operator *(a: Vector3, f: float) : Vector3 {
return Vector3.{a.x * f, a.y * f, a.z * f};
proc operator_overloading() {
print("\n\n---- operator_overloading ----\n");
v1 := Vector3.{1, 2, 3};
v2 := Vector3.{1, 4, 9};
v3 := v1 + v2;
v4 := v3 * 5;
print("%\n", v4.x);
print("%\n", v4.y);
print("%\n", v4.z);
assert(v4.x == 10);
assert(v4.y == 30);
assert(v4.z == 60);
proc procedural_polymorphism() {
print("\n\n---- procedural_polymorphism ----\n");
// $ on the name of a parameter means this parameter MUST be constant
// and a new polymorph of the procedure will be baked with that constant.
// for example if you called `value_poly(4)` a new version of `value_poly`
// would be generated that replaces each use of the parameter `a` with the
// `4` that you passed. this means the return statement will constant fold
// into a simple `return 16;`
proc value_poly($a: int) : int {
return a * a;
print("%\n", value_poly(2));
assert(value_poly(2) == 4);
// $ on the type of a parameter means that this parameter can be ANY
// type, and a new version of this procedure will be generated for
// that type. for example `type_poly(124)` would generate a version
// of `type_poly` where `T` is `int`. `type_poly(Vector3{1, 4, 9})`
// would generate a version where `T` is `Vector3`
proc type_poly(a: $T) : T {
return a * a;
print("%\n", type_poly(3));
assert(type_poly(3) == 9);
assert(type_poly(4.0) == 16);
a: int = 5;
f: float = 6;
print("%\n", type_poly(a));
print("%\n", type_poly(f));
assert(type_poly(a) == 25);
assert(type_poly(f) == 36);
// $ on both the name and the type means that this procedure can accept
// any type and it must be a constant. simply a combination of the two
// cases above.
proc value_and_type_poly($a: $T) : T {
return a * a;
print("%\n", value_and_type_poly(7));
print("%\n", value_and_type_poly(8.0));
assert(value_and_type_poly(7) == 49);
assert(value_and_type_poly(8.0) == 64);
proc structural_polymorphism() {
print("\n\n---- structural_polymorphism ----\n");
// same with procedural polymorphism, a new version of the struct
// Custom_Array_Type will be generated for each set of parameters
// that are passed, creating a brand new type.
// for structs, unlike procedures, these values must all be constant
// values in order to maintain compile-time typesafety
struct Custom_Array_Type!($N: int, $T: typeid) {
array: [N]T;
operator [](my_array: >Custom_Array_Type!(N, T), index: int) : >T {
// implicitly takes a pointer to `my_array.array[index]` since this
// procedure returns a reference
return my_array.array[index];
array_of_ints: Custom_Array_Type!(8, int);
array_of_ints[4] = 124; // calls [] operator overload
print("%\n", array_of_ints[4]);
assert(array_of_ints[4] == 124);
proc any_type() {
print("\n\n---- any ----\n");
// an `any` is defined as the following:
// struct Any {
// data: rawptr;
// type: typeid;
// }
// any type will implicitly convert to an `any` by taking a pointer to
// the data and setting the type field to the appropriate typeid
some_int := 123;
a: any = some_int;
assert( == &some_int);
assert(a.type == int);
// you can access the data pointed to by an `any` by casting the data
// pointer and dereferencing
b: int = cast(^int,^;
print("%\n", b);
// the most notable use of `any` is for a print routine. here is an
// example using varargs
print_things(true, 456, 78.9, "hello");
proc print_things(args: ..any) {
for (i := 0; i < args.count; i += 1) {
arg := args[i];
if (arg.type == int) {
print("%\n", cast(^int,^);
else if (arg.type == string) {
print("%\n", cast(^string,^);
else if (arg.type == bool) {
print("%\n", cast(^bool,^);
else if (arg.type == float) {
print("%\n", cast(^float,^);
else {
print("<unknown type>\n");
proc function_pointers() {
print("\n\n---- any ----\n");
my_print1 := print; // uses type inference
my_print1("This is a function pointer! %\n", "cool");
my_print2: proc(fmt: string, args: ..any) = print; // without type inference
my_print2("This is also % a function % pointer\n", 45.6, true);
// the following is a barebones implementation of a resizable array
// using many of the features you've seen thus far including
// structural and procedural polymorphism and operator overloading
struct Dynamic_Array!($T: typeid) {
elements: []T;
count: int;
allocator: Allocator;
operator [](dyn: >Dynamic_Array!(T), index: int) : >T {
return dyn.elements[index];
proc append(dyn: ^Dynamic_Array!($T), value: T) : ^T {
assert(dyn.allocator.alloc_proc != null);
if (dyn.count == dyn.elements.count) {
old_data :=;
new_cap := 8 + dyn.elements.count * 2; = cast(^T, sif_alloc(new_cap * sizeof(T), DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, dyn.allocator));
dyn.elements.count = new_cap;
if (old_data != null) {
memcpy(, old_data, cast(u64, dyn.count * sizeof(T)));
sif_free(old_data, dyn.allocator);
assert(dyn.count < dyn.elements.count);
dyn.elements[dyn.count] = value;
ptr := &dyn.elements[dyn.count];
dyn.count += 1;
return ptr;
proc pop(dyn: ^Dynamic_Array!($T)) : T {
assert(dyn.count > 0);
value := dyn[dyn.count-1];
dyn.count -= 1;
return value;
proc clear_dynamic_array(dyn: ^Dynamic_Array!($T)) {
dyn.count = 0;
proc destroy_dynamic_array(dyn: Dynamic_Array!($T)) {
if ( != null) {
sif_free(, dyn.allocator);
proc dynamic_arrays() {
print("\n\n---- dynamic_arrays ----\n");
dyn: Dynamic_Array!(Vector3);
dyn.allocator = default_allocator();
append(&dyn, Vector3.{1, 2, 3});
append(&dyn, Vector3.{1, 4, 9});
append(&dyn, Vector3.{2, 8, 18});
assert(dyn[1].x == 1);
assert(dyn[1].y == 4);
assert(dyn[1].z == 9);
for (i := 0; i < dyn.count; i += 1) {
print("index %\n", i);
print(" %\n", dyn[i].x);
print(" %\n", dyn[i].y);
print(" %\n", dyn[i].z);