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kromar edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 1 revision

Info (NOTE: this only applies from version v3_4_7 forward.)

Instructions on installing and updating GoB and get it set up for the first time.


You can find the latest Release Version here which should be the most stable and is recommended unless you want to help test new version:

You can download the latest master version under the following link, Note that this might not be stable but help with testing and reporting issues is welcome.

Clean Installation of GoB

  1. Remove your old GoB addon from your Blender Addons Folder
  2. Copy the extracted GoB addon into your Blender Addon Folder
  3. Start Blender and enable the GoB addon in the Preferences > Addons menu and safe your preferences
  4. Select a object you want to send to Zbrush and press the Export Button in the Header
  5. This will configure Zbrush to know that it is communicating with Blender, Run Zbrush and load in your Object.
  6. Restart Zbrush and that is it.

Update GoB

  1. Remove your old GoB addon from your Blender Addons Folder
  2. Copy the extracted GoB addon into your Blender Addon Folder