Check out my website on github pages
- Computer Science and Mathematics graduate | University of Manchester | 2018-2022
- I'm currently working on learning real industry knowledge, and am open to recommendations
- Love participating in coding competitions, even if I'm not very good. Checkout my Google Kickstarter Repo
- Always open to new ideas, any suggestions welcome
- Check out my LinkedIn
Working on 2023 advent of code
A mix of personal and University projects, so far
- Check out my web scraping project and contribution to the Runescape wiki | Repository | Wiki Contribution
- A particle system simulation, using C++ and OpenGL. Created as a deliverable for the COMP37111 Advanced Computer Graphics course. Repository | Youtube Demonstration (Excuse the narrator)
- A semi-intelligent mix of all the other things I do: Repository
I worked with the University of Manchester, helping out in the geography department I helped them start a GitHub for one of their research projects: UKFDRS
I'm a massive video gamer, to the point where it is borderline unhealthy, and probably an addiction. Would love to get into modding, so watch this space. (Any recommendations are welcome)
Games I enjoy (in no particular order):
- OpenTTD
- Runescape 3|2007
- Factorio
- Anno 1800|2205
- The Division 2
- Minecraft
- Destiny 1
- Age of Empires 2|3
- Halo 3
- Sniper Elite 2|3|4
- Dyson Sphere Program
Here's a video of me embarrassing myself: YouTube