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v3.0.0, using Julia 1.6 and TOML.jl instead of YAML.jl
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Lawrie authored and Lawrie committed Feb 10, 2021
1 parent c206c56 commit de00fd9
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Showing 15 changed files with 316 additions and 189 deletions.
162 changes: 110 additions & 52 deletions Manifest.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,42 +1,53 @@
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17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
name = "Schemata"
uuid = "b4d66a32-c6c0-5461-b6fa-34bb9cecaf85"
authors = ["Jock Lawrie <[email protected]>"]
version = "2.0.8"
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61 changes: 31 additions & 30 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ It exists independently of any particular data set, and therefore can be constru

This package facilitates 3 use cases:

1. Read/write a schema from/to a yaml file.
1. Read/write a schema from/to a [TOML]( file.

2. Compare a data set to a schema and list the non-compliance issues.

Expand All @@ -19,28 +19,29 @@ Indeed the 3 use cases listed above can be carried out without writing any Julia

# Usage

A `TableSchema` looks like this `yaml` file:

name: mytable
description: "My table"
primarykey: patientid # A column name or a vector of column names
- patientid: {description: Patient ID, datatype: UInt, iscategorical: false, isrequired: true, isunique: true, validvalues: UInt}
- age: {description: Age (years), datatype: Int, iscategorical: false, isrequired: true, isunique: false, validvalues: "0:120"}
- dose: {description: Dose size, datatype: String, iscategorical: true, isrequired: true, isunique: false,
validvalues: ["small", "medium", "large"]
- fever: {description: Had fever, datatype: Bool, iscategorical: true, isrequired: true, isunique: false, validvalues: Bool}
A `TableSchema` looks like this `TOML` file:

name = "mytable"
description = "My table"
primarykey = "patientid" # A column name or a vector of column names
columns = [
{name = "patientid", description = "Patient ID", datatype = "UInt", validvalues = "UInt", iscategorical = false, isrequired = true, isunique = true},
{name = "age", description = "Age (years)", datatype = "Int", validvalues = "Int", iscategorical = false, isrequired = true, isunique = false},
{name = "dose", description = "Dose size", datatype = "String", validvalues = ["small", "medium", "large"], iscategorical = true, isrequired = true, isunique = false},
{name = "fever", description = "Had fever", datatype = "Bool", validvalues = "Bool", iscategorical = true, isrequired = true, isunique = false}

A `Schema` contains 1 or more `TableSchema`. For example:

name: fever
description: "Fever schema"
table1: *table1_schema
table2: *table2_schema
name = "fever"
description = "Fever schema"

table1 = "table1_schema"
table2 = "table2_schema"

For tables that fit into memory, usage is as follows:
Expand All @@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ For tables that fit into memory, usage is as follows:
# Read in a schema
using Schemata

schema = readschema(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Schemata)), "..", "test/schemata/fever.yaml"))
schema = readschema(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Schemata)), "..", "test/schemata/fever.toml"))
ts = schema.tables[:mytable] # TableSchema for mytable

# Construct/import a table (any object that satisfies the Tables.jl interface)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,16 +153,16 @@ We often want to ensure that certain relationships hold between variables within
For example, we might require that a person's marriage date is after his/her birth date.
We can achieve this by specifying one or more intra-row constraints in a `TableSchema` as follows:

name: intrarow_constraints_demo
description: "Table with intra-row constraints"
primarykey: id
birth date before marriage date: "r[:dob] < r[:date_of_marriage]"
- id: {description: ID, datatype: UInt, iscategorical: false, isrequired: true, isunique: true, validvalues: UInt}
- dob: {description: Date of birth, datatype: Date, iscategorical: false, isrequired: true, isunique: false, validvalues: Date}
- date_of_marriage: {description: Date of marriage, datatype: Date, iscategorical: false, isrequired: false, isunique: false, validvalues: Date}
name = "intrarow_constraints_demo"
description = "Table with intra-row constraints"
primarykey = "patientid"
intrarow_constraints = {"birth date before marriage date" = "r[:dob] < r[:date_of_marriage]"}
columns = [
{name="patientid", description = "Patient ID", datatype = "UInt", validvalues = "UInt", iscategorical = false, isrequired = true, isunique = true},
{name="dob", description = "Date of birth", datatype = "Date", validvalues = "Date", iscategorical = false, isrequired = true, isunique = false},
{name="date_of_marriage", description = "Date of marriage", datatype = "Date", validvalues = "Date", iscategorical = false, isrequired = false, isunique = false}

Each constraint is specified as a key-value pair, where the key is a description of the constraint and
Expand Down

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