S-cube v3.7 with sensitivity plots
The figure for simulation results are improved. The figure saving functions are installed.
S-cube v3.7 is guaranteed to work reliably in MATLAB 2020B and later on Windows 10 and RedHat-based Linux.
S-cube v3.7 with sensitivity plots is detailed in the following papers:
"Estimating signal and noise of time-resolved X-ray solution scattering data at synchrotrons and XFELs", J. Kim, J. G. Kim, H. Ki, C. W. Ahn, H. Ihee*, J. Synchrotron Rad., 27, 633-645 (2020)
"Sensitivity of time-resolved diffraction data to changes in internuclear distances and atomic positions", H. Jeong, H. Ki, J. G. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Lee, and H. Ihee*, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 1-15 (2022)