renderTo(String): the tab render to('#sample')
uniqueId(String): the tab's id(It must be unique)
tabs(Array): the tabs will be initialized, whose items will be formated as follows: { **title(String): the tab title text **iconImg(String): the tab icon that displayed from title text, **closeable(Boolean): the switch that controls whether the tab can be closed (true as default) }
activeTabIndex(Int): the tab you'd like to select after loading(0 as default)
contentHeight(Int): height of the content div tag
contentCss(Object): the same as style sheet
loadOnce(Boolean): the switch controls if load tab content at the first time(true as default)
tabWidth(Int): width of each tab(150 as default)
***add by jeffen@pactera 2.16/1/17
isCookieTabsetting(Boolean): keep tabs setting status by cookie attribute(false as default)
isCookieLoadData(Boolean): auto load data by cookie keeping tabs(false as default)
cookieTabsetting(String): set cookie name for tabsetting(value limit by browser, eg. 2096)
fn_beforeAddTab(function): call the event before addTab
fn_afterTabMouseup(function): call the event after tab mouseup
fn_afterTabLoad(function): call the event after tab load data
openWithNewWidowAfterDblClick(Boolean): open a new window after tab double click tab
fn_tabDblClick(function): call the event after tab double click
- version: release-2.0.1 (05/13/2009)
- version: release-2.0.2 (01/17/2016) by jeffen@pactera
- version: release-2.0.3 (06/02/2016) by jeffen@pactera