Note: this tool is in a very early dev state! Core functionality is working, but this has not been widely tested yet.
The EverDrive N8 Pro comes with a USB port for software development and system updates over serial, but the client provided by krikzz doesn't play nice with Linux. This tool aims to re-implement the functionality in golang so as to be easily ported to a wide variety of operating systems.
Important: this tool is still largely untested!
Usage: goedlink [command] [options]
Available commands:
goedlink appmode
goedlink cp
goedlink getrtc
goedlink info
goedlink initfpga
goedlink loadrom
goedlink mkdir
goedlink readmemory
goedlink reboot
goedlink recovery
goedlink servicemode
goedlink setrtc
goedlink writeflash
goedlink writememory
Show subcommand help:
goedlink [command] -h
Usage of appmode:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show appmode command help
Usage of copy:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-destination sd:
path to copy to, prefix with sd: for destination on the SD card
-h show copy command help
-source sd:
path to copy from, prefix with sd: for file on the SD card
Usage of info:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show info command help
Usage of initfpga:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show initfpga command help
-length int
(required) number of bytes to read (eg. '0x40', '64', etc)
-path string
(optional) read data from a file (otherwise data is read from standard input)
Usage of getrtc:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show getrtc command help
Usage of loadrom:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show loadrom command help
-map sd:
path to copy from, prefix with sd: for file on the SD card
-rom string
path to rom
Usage of mkdir:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show mkdir command help
-path string
directory to create on the SD card
Usage of readmemory:
-address uint
(required) hex address to read from (eg. '0xa000', '40960', etc)
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show readmemory command help
-length int
(required) number of bytes to read (eg. '0x40', '64', etc)
-path string
(optional) save data to a file (otherwise data is just printed to standard output)
Usage of reboot:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show reboot command help
Usage of recovery:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h showrecoverycommand help
Usage of servicemode:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show servicemode command help
Usage of setrtc:
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show setrtc command help
-time YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
(optional) time (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS) (default "2024-07-08 17:46:01")
Usage of writeflash:
-address uint
(required) hex address to write to (eg. '0xa000', '40960', etc)
-d string
serial device path (eg, '/dev/ttyACMO0')
-h show writeflash command help
-path string
(optional) read data from a file (otherwise data is read from standard input)
Usage of writememory:
-address uint
(required) hex address to write to (eg. '0xa000', '40960', etc)
-d string
serial device path (eg, /dev/ttyACMO0)
-h show writememory command help
-length int
(required) number of bytes to read (eg. '0x40', '64', etc)
-path string
(optional) read data from a file (otherwise data is read from standard input)
To manually build, ensure you're running a compatible version of golang and run:
go mod tidy
go build -o goedlink-linux-amd64
On macOS, this likely requires CGO_ENABLED=1
go mod tidy
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -o goedlink-linux-amd64
GNU General Public License, version 2
initial proof-of-concept