1.15 Steam Workshop Update
Patch Notes
Migrated from the Bepinex patcher to the steam workshop
Method 1: Workshop
Method 2: Manual
- Create a "Mods" folder in your PlateUp! directory C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\PlateUp\PlateUp
- Create a folder to hold PlateupPrepGhost, it should look like C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\PlateUp\PlateUp\Mods\PlateupPrepGhost
- download the latest release https://github.com/Jasonleh99/PlateupPrepGhost/releases
- move PlateupPrepGhost.dll to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\PlateUp\PlateUp\Mods\PlateupPrepGhost