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C# Development Environment for Visual Studio Code and NeoVim

 DotRush is a powerful, lightweight, and efficient C# Language Server Extension designed for VS Code and NeoVim. Built with performance and simplicity in mind, DotRush empowers developers with robust C# development tools in their favorite editors.


  • C# IntelliSense
    Advanced autocompletion and suggestions to boost your productivity.

  • Code Navigation
    Effortlessly navigate to definitions, references, and symbols.

  • Code Decompilation
    Instantly decompile code with ICSharpCode Decompiler to view the underlying source.

  • Multitarget Diagnostics
    Real-time linting and error detection to catch issues early in all target frameworks of your project.

  • Formatting
    Automatic code formatting for clean, consistent code.

  • Multi-platform Support
    Seamless integration with both VS Code and NeoVim on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  • Performance
    Lightweight and efficient, DotRush is designed to be fast and responsive.

  • Additional Features for VSCode
    DotRush provides additional features for Visual Studio Code users, such as .NET Core Debugger and Test Explorer.


For VS Code

  1. Open the Extensions view.
  2. Search for DotRush.
  3. Click Install.

For NeoVim

  1. Ensure you have a plugin manager like vimplug installed.
  2. Download latest DotRush executable from the GitHub releases.
  3. Add the following to your init.vim configuration:
call plug#begin()
Plug ''
call plug#end()

lua << EOF

require('lspconfig.configs').dotrush = {
    default_config = {
        cmd = { "C:\\Users\\Test\\.lsp\\dotrush\\DotRush.exe" }, -- Adjust the path to the DotRush executable
        filetypes = { 'cs', 'xaml' },
        root_dir = function(fname)
            return vim.fn.getcwd()


  • For additional information for VSCode, check out the README.

  • For additional information for NeoVim, check out the README.