DotRush is a powerful, lightweight, and efficient C# Language Server Extension designed for VS Code and NeoVim. Built with performance and simplicity in mind, DotRush empowers developers with robust C# development tools in their favorite editors.
C# IntelliSense
Advanced autocompletion and suggestions to boost your productivity. -
Code Navigation
Effortlessly navigate to definitions, references, and symbols. -
Code Decompilation
Instantly decompile code with ICSharpCode Decompiler to view the underlying source. -
Multitarget Diagnostics
Real-time linting and error detection to catch issues early in all target frameworks of your project. -
Automatic code formatting for clean, consistent code. -
Multi-platform Support
Seamless integration with both VS Code and NeoVim on Windows, macOS, and Linux. -
Lightweight and efficient, DotRush is designed to be fast and responsive. -
Additional Features for VSCode
DotRush provides additional features for Visual Studio Code users, such as.NET Core Debugger
andTest Explorer
For VS Code
- Open the Extensions view.
- Search for DotRush.
- Click Install.
For NeoVim
- Ensure you have a plugin manager like vimplug installed.
- Download latest DotRush executable from the GitHub
. - Add the following to your init.vim configuration:
call plug#begin()
Plug ''
call plug#end()
lua << EOF
require('lspconfig.configs').dotrush = {
default_config = {
cmd = { "C:\\Users\\Test\\.lsp\\dotrush\\DotRush.exe" }, -- Adjust the path to the DotRush executable
filetypes = { 'cs', 'xaml' },
root_dir = function(fname)
return vim.fn.getcwd()