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Low-level convenience and productivity layer atop Vulkan-Hpp


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Auto-Vk is a low-level convenience and productivity layer atop Vulkan-Hpp.


Auto-Vk requires

  • A Vulkan 1.1 SDK or newer
  • Vulkan-Hpp
  • A C++20 compiler

Auto-Vk consists of multiple C++ include files, two mandatory C++ source files (soon: one), and one optional C++ source file.

Motivating Example

Auto-Vk aims to hit the sweet spot between full controllability and convenience without having a noticeable impact on performance.

Creating a graphics pipeline in Vulkan might require several hundreds of lines of code. Here is what it can look like with Auto-Vk:

auto graphicsPipeline = myRoot.create_graphics_pipeline_for(
	// Specify which shaders the pipeline consists of:
	// The next 3 lines define the format and location of the vertex shader inputs:
	avk::from_buffer_binding(0) -> stream_per_vertex<glm::vec3>()   -> to_location(0),
	avk::from_buffer_binding(1) -> stream_per_vertex<glm::vec2>()   -> to_location(1),
	avk::from_buffer_binding(2) -> stream_per_instance<glm::vec3>() -> to_location(5),
	// Some further settings:
	avk::cfg::viewport_depth_scissors_config::from_extent(1920u, 1080u),
	// Declare the renderpass' attachments and the actions to take:
	avk::attachment::declare(vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm,  avk::on_load::clear, avk::unused()        -> avk::color(0) ->  avk::color(0), avk::on_store::store_in_presentable_format),	
	avk::attachment::declare(vk::Format::eD24UnormS8Uint, avk::on_load::clear, avk::depth_stencil() -> preserve()    -> input(0),       avk::on_store::dont_care                  ),
	// The following define resources that will be bound to the pipeline:
	avk::push_constant_binding_data { avk::shader_type::vertex, 0, sizeof(std::array<float, 16>) },
	avk::descriptor_binding(0, 0, myBuffer->as_uniform_buffer()),
	avk::descriptor_binding(0, 1, myImageView)

This creates a fully functioning graphics pipeline on the device consisting of two shaders (a vertex shader and a fragment shader), with three vertex/instance input bindings, stating some additional pipeline settings (face orientation, and viewport config), defining the renderpass' attachments (which could correspond to the backbuffer format to render into), and further resource bindings to the pipeline: push constants of the size 64 byte (16 floats, which is enough space for a 4x4 matrix), and two descriptors, namely a buffer bound as uniform buffer (corresponding to descriptor type vk::DescriptorType::eUniformBuffer) and an image view (corresponding to descriptor type vk::DescriptorType::eSampledImage).

Vertex input bindings are specified in an expressive way. For example,
avk::from_buffer_binding(2) -> stream_per_instance<glm::vec3>() -> to_location(5)
means that from the buffer that is bound at index 2 when invoking vk::CommandBuffer::bindVertexBuffers, data is being streamed to vertex shader's layout (location=5) and the data pointer is advanced per instance.

In a similarly expressive manner, the subpass usages of the renderpass' attachments are specified. In the example above, there are three subpasses. The color attachment is not used in the first subpass, and is used as color attachment in subpasses 1 and 2, bound to output location 0 in both of them.
The depth/stencil attachment is used as depth/stencil attachment in the first subpass, is not used in the second subpass but its contents are preserved, and in the thirds subpass, is is used as an input attachment, i.e. to be read from.

After subpass three, the color attachment shall be stored in a presentable format (avk::on_store::store_in_presentable_format), i.e. so that it can be passed on to a presentation engine for being displayed on screen. The depth/stencil attachment is not required any longer after subpass three, therefore we don't care about its contents (avk::on_store::dont_care).


First of all, include all of Auto-Vk:

#include <avk/avk.hpp>

The next essential step is to derive from avk::root and implement three virtual methods:

virtual vk::PhysicalDevice& physical_device() = 0;
virtual vk::Device& device() = 0;
virtual vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic& dynamic_dispatch() = 0;

Example implementation:

class my_root : avk::root
    my_root() { 
        mInstance = vk::createInstance(vk::InstanceCreateInfo{}); 
        mPhysicalDevice = mInstance.enumeratePhysicalDevices().front();
        // Prepare two queues
        mQueues[0] = avk::queue::prepare(mPhysicalDevice, 0u, 0u, 0.5f);
        mQueues[1] = avk::queue::prepare(mPhysicalDevice, 0u, 1u, 0.75f);
        auto queueCreateInfos = avk::queue::get_queue_config_for_DeviceCreateInfo(std::begin(mQueues), std::end(mQueues));
        // Iterate over all vk::DeviceQueueCreateInfo entries and set the queue priorities pointers properly (just to be safe!)
        for (auto i = 0; i < std::get<0>(queueCreateInfos).size(); ++i) {
        auto deviceCreateInfo = vk::DeviceCreateInfo{}
        // Set further configuration parameters for the device
        mDevice = mPhysicalDevice.createDevice(deviceCreateInfo);

        context().mDynamicDispatch = vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic{ mInstance, vkGetInstanceProcAddr, mDevice };
        // Assign handles to the queues to finish their configuration
        for (auto& q : mQueues) {
    vk::PhysicalDevice& physical_device() override { return mPhysicalDevice; }
    vk::Device& device() override { return mDevice; }
    vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic& dynamic_dispatch() override { return mDispatchLoaderDynamic; }
    vk::Instance mInstance;
    vk::PhysicalDevice mPhysicalDevice;
    std::array<avk::queue, 2> mQueues;
    vk::Device mDevice;
    vk::DispatchLoaderDynamic mDispatchLoaderDynamic;

auto myRoot = my_root{};

Also refer to include/avk/root_example_implementation.hpp.

Queues require some special handling because they must be declared prior to creating the logical device. Use avk::queue::prepare to prepare a queue and use the convenience method avk::queue::get_queue_config_for_DeviceCreateInfo to generate the required entries for vk::DeviceCreateInfo.

From this point onwards, the root class (my_root in the example) serves as the origin for creating all kinds of things.

To create an image with an image view, for example, you could invoke:

auto myImageView = myRoot.create_image_view(
    myRoot.create_image(1920, 1080, vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm, 1, avk::memory_usage::device, avk::image_usage::general_storage_image)

The first parameters state the resolution, the format, and the number of layers of the image. The memory_usage parameter states that this image shall live device memory, and the image_usage flags state that this image shall be usable as a "general image" and as a "storage image". This will create the the image with usage flags vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eTransferSrc | vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eTransferDst | vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eSampled | vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eStorage and the tiling flag vk::ImageTiling::eOptimal.

To create a buffer that is usable as both, uniform buffer, and vertex buffer, you could invoke:

std::vector<std::array<float, 3>> vertices;

auto myBuffer = myRoot.create_buffer(
    avk::memory_usage::host_coherent, {},

The first parameter states that the buffer shall live in host-coherent memory. The second parameter states no additional usage flags. Parameters three and four state two different usage types of the same buffer, namely as vertex buffer and as uniform buffer which means that the buffer will be created with both, vk::BufferUsageFlagBits::eVertexBuffer and vk::BufferUsageFlagBits::eUniformBuffer, flags set. The create_from_data convenience methods automatically infer size of one element and number of elements from the given std::vector.

To fill a buffer (and this generally applies to operations after creation), no reference to myRoot is needed anymore. Further operations can be invoked on the created instance like follows:

myBuffer->fill(vertices, 0, avk::sync::not_required());

The first parameter are the data, the second refers to the meta data index to use (in this case to the vertex_buffer_meta, but actually the data should be the same for all of the meta data entries anyways), and the third parameter states that "no sync is required" which is only true in this case because myBuffer has been created with avk::memory_usage::host_coherent.

If the buffer was created with avk::memory_usage::device, the fill operation is an asynchronous operation and a different synchronization strategy is required. The most straight forward to be used would be avk::sync::wait_idle() where the device waits for idle, meaning that the fill operation must also be completed when wait_idle() returns.

Resource Management

Resource management in Auto-Vk is managed in a way which strongly relies on move-only types. That means: Whenever a resource's destructor is being invoked, the resource is destroyed and its memory freed. Furthermore, where resources "live" can be totally controlled by the programmer: be it on the stack or on the heap, enabling both, efficient and versatile usage patterns. These policies require explicit and precise handling of how resources are stored and passed around, especially when passing them as arguments to functions/methods.

The TL;DR-version of resource-passing guidelines reads like follows:

  • When a reference to a resource is requested, the argument's type will have the form avk::resource_reference<T> => Pass a resource r like follows: avk::referenced(r)
    (You can think of this as an analog to std::reference_wrapper created via std::ref.)
  • When a const-reference to a resource is requested, the argument's type will have the form avk::resource_reference<const T> => Pass a resource r like follows: avk::const_referenced(r)
    (You can think of this as an analog to std::reference_wrapper created via std::cref.)
  • When an argument indicates that ownership of a resource must be taken, the argument's type will have the form avk::resource_ownership<T> => Pass a resource r in one of two ways:
    • Use avk::owned(r) if you no longer need r anywhere else. (You can think of this as an analog to std::move.)
    • Use avk::shared(r) if you still need r in other places. (This corresponds to transferring r into a std::shared_ptr<T> and passing the shared pointer around.)
  • When it is not obvious which kind of resource-passing is requested (as it can happen with some templated methods/functions), please consult the method's/function's documentation. Usually, such arguments will be captured by value (i.e. not by lvalue reference or rvalue reference) and the arguments' description will state whether you are expected to pass via avk::referenced, avk::const_referenced, or avk::owned/avk::shared.

The resource type T always refers to the "inner resource type" which, for example, means avk::image_t, when there's also a avk::image. I.e. don't let yourself be confused by the _t-version and the non-_t-version, they actually mean the same thing, only that the non-_t-versions represent the _t-versions with an additional lifetime-convenience-wrapper around them which adds some features w.r.t. lifetime-handling of the "inner resource types" (i.e. the _t-versions). Whenever you call one of the root::create_* methods, you'll get back a resource with that convenience-wrapper.

The following is a list of Auto-Vk resource types that are implemented and handled as described above:

  • Buffer type avk::buffer_t and its wrapper type avk::buffer
  • Buffer-View type avk::buffer_view_t and its wrapper type avk::buffer_view
  • Image type avk::image_t and its wrapper type avk::image
  • Image-View type avk::image_view_t and its wrapper type avk::image_view
  • Sampler type avk::sampler_t and its wrapper type avk::sampler
  • Image Sampler type avk::image_sampler_t and its wrapper type avk::image_sampler
  • Framebuffer type avk::framebuffer_t and its wrapper type avk::framebuffer
  • Renderpass type avk::renderpass_t and its wrapper type avk::renderpass
  • Graphics Pipeline type avk::graphics_pipeline_t and its wrapper type avk::graphics_pipeline
  • Compute Pipeline type avk::compute_pipeline_t and its wrapper type avk::compute_pipeline
  • Ray-Tracing Pipeline type avk::ray_tracing_pipeline_t and its wrapper type avk::ray_tracing_pipeline
  • Ray-Tracing Bottom Level Acceleration Structure type avk::bottom_level_acceleration_structure_t and its wrapper type avk::bottom_level_acceleration_structure
  • Ray-Tracing Top Level Acceleration Structure type avk::top_level_acceleration_structure_t and its wrapper type avk::top_level_acceleration_structure_t
  • Command Pool type avk::command_pool_t and its wrapper type avk::command_pool
  • Command Buffer type avk::command_buffer_t and its wrapper type avk::command_buffer
  • Fence type avk::fence_t and its wrapper type avk::fence
  • Semaphore type avk::semaphore_t and its wrapper type avk::semaphore
  • Query Pool type avk::query_pool_t and its wrapper type avk::query_pool

The wrapper types are defined as avk::owning_resource<T>, where T refers to one of the "inner resource types" and collude with avk::resource_reference (as created via avk::referenced and avk::const_referenced) and avk::resource_ownership (as created via avk::owned and avk::shared) types. For ordinary framework usage, you should probably not really require this information. View it as additional background information.

One of avk::owning_resource<T>'s features shall be pointed out explicitly, namely enabling shared ownership:
If you need to have multiple owners of a resource, you can use avk::owning_resource<T>::enable_shared_ownership which will move the resource internally into a shared pointer. Storing resources in shared pointers is not the default because it would violate one of our and C++'s core principles: "don't pay for what you're not using". There is no point in making a heap allocation if an object could spend its lifetime on the stack. But sometimes, there must be multiple owners of a resource, and this feature can come in handy. avk::owning_resource<T>::enable_shared_ownership is actually what is automatically internally invoked on resource r by a call to avk::shared(r).


Synchronization by the means of

  • waiting for idle,
  • semaphores, and
  • pipeline barriers

is currently implemented in class avk::sync. Many functions/method which perform asynchronous operations take avk::sync parameters to allow modification of the synchronization strategy.

Attention: avk::sync is ugly and is subject to change. Expect breaking changes soon.

Memory Allocation

By default Auto-Vk uses a very straight-forward, but for most cases probably also suboptimal, way of handling memory allocations: One allocation per resource. This is especially suboptimal if many small resources are used. Implementation-wise, avk::mem_handle is used in this case.

Auto-Vk, however, allows to easily swap this straight-froward way of memory handling with using the well-established Vulkan Memory Allocator (VMA) library. Only a small config-change is necessary to switch from avk::mem_handle to avk::vma_handle, which uses VMA to alloc memory for all resources.

To enable VMA, define AVK_USE_VMA before including <avk/avk.hpp>:

#define AVK_USE_VMA
#include <avk/avk.hpp>

Furthermore, add src/vk_mem_alloc.cpp to your source files. If you're using CMake you can do this by setting the avk_UseVMA option to ON.

This is all that is required to set-up VMA to handle all internal memory allocations.

Advanced usage:

By defining AVK_USE_VMA, internally the following definitions are set:

#define AVK_MEM_ALLOCATOR_TYPE       VmaAllocator
#define AVK_MEM_IMAGE_HANDLE         avk::vma_handle<vk::Image>
#define AVK_MEM_BUFFER_HANDLE        avk::vma_handle<vk::Buffer>

By defining them by yourself before including <avk/avk.hpp>, you can plug in custom memory allocation behavior into Auto-Vk.


Low-level convenience and productivity layer atop Vulkan-Hpp







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  • C++ 99.9%
  • CMake 0.1%