A fork of Highfire1's Ultimate Dice Plugin that adds multiple new features:
- Support for dice pools
- Option to convert "raw" rolls into pool rolls with a certain criteria (10d20 -> 10d20@11)
- Option to move individual roll results to hovertext
- Ranged message support (only sending to players within a certain range)
- PlaceholderAPI integration (for nicknames as well as chat range)
- Ability to change what gets rolled when only /roll is called
Example formats:
- /roll 1d20
- /roll 1d20+5
- /r 10d2+5d3*2d9
To roll a dice pool:
- /roll 10d20@10
Ranged mode (can be set as default in the config):
- /roll 10d20@10 -range
Screenshots of various configurations: