1.Use VEP for annotation.
Annotation refers to the functional annotation of biological sequences (such as DNA, RNA, and proteins) to help interpret their biological significance. It primarily includes structural information, used to mark the location of genes, such as exons and introns, and functional information, used to predict the biological function of genes or the role of proteins. This helps us understand the relationship between structure and function.
VEP (Variant Effect Predictor) is a tool developed by Ensembl, used to analyze genetic information, especially to assess the impact of different variants in genes (such as SNVs, insertions, deletions, and structural variants) on biological function. It is particularly suitable for annotation purposes.
Log in to the NCHC (For those who forgot how to log in, please refer to this link(https://hackmd.io/jcvG9iIiRW6DTUysi8AKug)).
Enter the "variantcalling" folder.
cd /work/username/variantcalling
3.Copy the executable files needed for the class.
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcallingR/vep.sh /work/username/variantcalling/variantcallingR
- Enter vep.sh
vim vep.sh
- VEP annotation
- Original VEP output
- Enter
to save and exit.
- Execute the script: Enter the following command to submit the edited draft as an sbatch job:
sbatch vep.sh
- After execution, the following files will be generated:
- sample.HC_normed.vcf.gz: The VCF after splitting multiallelic variants.
- sample.HC.VEP.vcf: After VEP annotation, the file sample.HC.VEP.vcf_summary.html is generated first, followed by the output in VCF format.
- sample.HC.VEP.vcf_warnings.txt: Files containing statistical summaries and warnings after VEP annotation.
- sample.HC.VEP.tsv, sample.HC.VEP_filtered.tsv: The VCF format converted to TSV format, with some fields removed in the filtered version. Each line represents a variant, and different transcripts are separated by a comma (",").
Since VEP takes a longer time to run the annotation, the steps below will use results that have already been processed by the teaching assistant. Please copy the TA's results first.
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcallingR/SRR13076392_S14_L002_.HC.VEP_filtered.tsv ./
(1) CHROM: The chromosome. (2) POS: The position of the variant. (3) REF: The reference allele. (4) ALT: The alternate allele. (5) DP: Sequencing depth. (6) Allele: Same as ALT. (7) Consequence: The effect of the variant on the alternative allele.(https://www.ensembl.org/info/genome/variation/prediction/predicted_data.html) (8) SYMBOL: The official gene symbol. (9) Gene: The ID of the affected gene (e.g., ENSG00000223972). (10)gnomADe_EAS_AF: The allele frequency of this variant in the East Asian population in the gnomAD Exome database. (11)gnomADg_EAS_AF: The allele frequency of this variant in the East Asian population in the gnomAD Genome database (if available). (12)CLIN_SIG: Clinical significance records in ClinVar database. (13)TWB_official_SNV_indel_AF: The allele frequency of this variant in the Taiwan Biobank.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090123223004058?via%3Dihub)
- 利用VEP做annotation
VEP(Variant Effect Predictor)是由Ensembl開發的一款工具,用於分析遺傳資訊,特别是評估基因中的不同變異(如SNVs、insertion、deletion和Structural variants)對生物功能的影響,非常適合用於annotation。
- 登入國網(忘記怎麼登入的人請參見連結)
- 進入variantcallingR資料夾
cd /work/username/variantcalling/variantcallingR
- 複製上課所需執行檔
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcallingR/vep.sh /work/username/variantcalling/variantcallingR
- 進入vep資料夾
vim vep.sh
- VEP annotation 正式VEP註解遺傳變異
- Original VEP output 原始VEP格式(VCF)
- 輸入
- 執行script
(1)輸入以下指令,來以sbatch job的方式送出編輯完成的草稿
sbatch vep.sh
Submitted batch job -------
- 執行完成後會產生以下檔案:
- sample.HC_normed.vcf.gz:split multiallelic 後的 vcf
- sample.HC.VEP.vcf:VEP annotate 後以 vcf 的格式輸出sample.HC.VEP.vcf_summary.html
- sample.HC.VEP.vcf_warnings.txt:VEP annotate 完後的一些統計及警告的資料
- sample.HC.VEP.tsv及sample.HC.VEP_filtered.tsv:將 vcf 的格式轉換成 tsv 的格式,以及將一些的欄位刪減後的 tsv。每一行為一個 variant,若有不同 transcript 會以 "," 分隔
rsync -avz /work/u2499286/variantcalling/variantcallingR/SRR13076392_S14_L002_.HC.VEP_filtered.tsv ./
- CHROM:變異所在的染色體
- POS:變異所在的座標
- REF:參考資料之等位基因
- ALT:變異後的等位基因
- DP:定序深度
- Allele:與ALT相同
- Consequence:變異位點所影響之等位基因。(https://www.ensembl.org/info/genome/variation/prediction/predicted_data.html)
- SYMBOL:基因的官方名稱。
- Gene:受影響基因的 ID(例如,ENSG00000223972 等)。
- gnomADe_EAS_AF:此變異在gnomAD Exome資料庫中的東亞人群等位基因頻率。
- gnomADg_EAS_AF:此變異在gnomAD Genome資料庫中的東亞人群等位基因頻率(如果存在)。
- CLIN_SIG:在ClinVar database中臨床意義。
- TWB_official_SNV_indel_AF:最新臺灣人體資料庫中此變異的等位基因頻率。(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090123223004058?via%3Dihub)