Easy-ui5 is a Yeoman generator which enables you to create simple OpenUI5-based web-apps within seconds.
This generator has been created to simplify the creation of your OpenUI5 prototypes. Now you can scaffold simple UI5 projects from the shell/terminal of your choice. The current best practices (such as async) are already baked into our templates so you don't have to worry about the definition of the metadata files.
The purpose of this generator is to guide you on your first steps with SAPUI5 and SAP Cloud Platform deployments. Once you are familiar with those technologies, you might want to tweak the projects to adapt them for productive use-cases (such as continuous deployment pipelines and full i18n).
During the prompting phase, the generator will ask on which target platform your app should run. Currently, the following options are available:
This is the most basic option. Choose this option if you want to deploy the web app in your custom environment or host it on an arbitrary server.
This is the most basic way to deploy the web app in Cloud Foundry-based environments. Besides the basic UI5 project, the generator will add an Approuter node.js-module that serves the web app.
This is the standard way to deploy the web app in SAP HANA XSA-based environments. Besides the basic UI5 project, the generator will add an Approuter node.js-module that serves the web app.
This option is a more sophisticate way to serve the web app from Cloud Foundry-based environments. The generator will include all modules that are included in the Application Router @ Cloud Foundry and, additionally, install a module to upload the web app to the HTML5 application repository during deploy-time. You can watch this presentation to learn more about the benefits of using the HTML5 application repository.
Use this option if you would like to develop a Fiori Launchpad application that should run on Cloud Foundry. The generator will include all modules that are included in the Cloud Foundry HTML5 Application Repository and, additionally, install a module that adds Fiori Launchpad resources to the HTML5 application repository.
Use this option if you want to deploy your application(s) to the SAP NetWeaver ABAP Repository.
- Get Node.js (version 8.5 or higher)
- Install the generator
npm install -g yo generator-easy-ui5
- Verify your installation to see if Yeoman has been installed correctly
Make sure you see the easy-ui5
generator listed.
Create your first OpenUI5 App within a few seconds!
- Scaffold your OpenUI5 project
yo easy-ui5
- Answer the prompts to create your OpenUI5 project
- Run it locally
cd <your project name> npm start
This sub-generator will create a new view (of the same type you specified during the creating of your project) and a new controller and route. If you have OPA5 tests, you can add a corresponding page object now or later with another sub-generator.
yo easy-ui5:newview
Run the following command from your project's root to scaffold a custom control.
yo easy-ui5:newcontrol
This sub-generator will create a new model in your manifest. Currently, JSON and OData v2 models are supported with various configuration options.
yo easy-ui5:newmodel
This sub-generator will add a new component usage for component reuse to your manifest.
yo easy-ui5:newcomponentusage
This sub-generator will add a basic UIVeri5 test. It will ask you for test configuration and names of the suite and spec. You can add page objects now or later with another sub-generator.
yo easy-ui5:uiveri5
This sub-generator will create a UIVeri5 page object and a new test that shows how to use the page object:
yo easy-ui5:newuiveri5po
This sub-generator will create a UIVeri5 spec file:
yo easy-ui5:newuiveri5spec
This sub-generator will add a basic OPA5 test setup. You can add page objects now or later with another sub-generator.
yo easy-ui5:opa5
This sub-generator will create an OPA5 page object and add it to your journeys:
yo easy-ui5:newopa5po
This sub-generator will create an OPA5 journey and add it to your test page:
yo easy-ui5:newopa5journey
There's a sub-generator available to add
as the test framework- a basic
config and - a sample test file
to the UI5 application by easy-ui5
$> cd yourEasyUI5-project
$> yo easy-ui5:wdi5
Depending on your target platform you'll need to install additional tools:
- Create a free SAP Cloud Platform Cloud account
- Install the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface
cf login
- Install the MultiApps CF CLI Plugin
Call this command from the root directory to deploy the application to Cloud Foundry
npm run deploy
Install the HTML5 Applications Repository CF CLI Plugin:
cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "html5-plugin"
With this tool you can update your web app without the need to deploy a new cloud application:
cf html5-push -n html5_repo_host .
- SAP HANA or create a free SAP HANA Express system
- Install the XS CLI Client
xs login
Call this command from the root directory to deploy the application to HANA XSA
npm run deploy
Update the ui5.yaml file with your system settings (user, password & server) and ABAP repository settings (package, BSP Container & Transport). Run following command to deploy the application to SAP NetWeaver
npm run deploy
This project leverages (among others) the following Open Source projects:
Please use the GitHub bug tracking system to post questions, bug reports or to create pull requests.
We welcome any type of contribution (code contributions, pull requests, issues) to this easy-ui5 generator equally.
Please follow our instructions if you would like to contribute.
The following aspects/features are not yet implemented:
- Decouple the sub-generators from the main flow. E.g. so that app router modules can be added after the generation of the UI5 web app.
Contributions are very much appreciated.