Tensorflow实现 seq2seq,并训练实现英-中翻译
需要更多数据可以参考WMT数据集。WMT,全称Workshop on Machine Translation
python read_utils.py
python train.py
start to training...
samples number: 209941
step: 20/20000... loss: 3.5204544067382812... 1.6092 sec/batch
step: 40/20000... loss: 3.428807258605957... 1.6902 sec/batch
step: 60/20000... loss: 3.4038989543914795... 1.6112 sec/batch
step: 19880/20000... loss: 1.8291130065917969... 0.1160 sec/batch
step: 19900/20000... loss: 1.8759247064590454... 0.1166 sec/batch
step: 19920/20000... loss: 1.5523113012313843... 0.1174 sec/batch
step: 19940/20000... loss: 1.590277075767517... 0.1164 sec/batch
step: 19960/20000... loss: 1.7223188877105713... 0.1161 sec/batch
step: 19980/20000... loss: 1.9042510986328125... 0.1182 sec/batch
step: 20000/20000... loss: 1.7752913236618042... 0.1157 sec/batch
python test.py
english: what is that ?
chinese: 那么什么呢?
english:just do it
chinese: 就是这样的
english:i love you too
chinese: 我爱你们
english:what's your name ?
chinese: 你的名字是什么?
english:Most of the planet is ocean water .
chinese: 地球上的海洋是水平。
english:We have to have a very special technology to get into that unfamiliar world .
chinese: 你必须有一个非常有意识的技术来创造一个非常有意义的人
english:This is too good to be true .
chinese: 太棒了很多。