This project is a simple minesweeper board generation project. It was generated with Rails 7 that uses Bootstrap and PostgreSQL.
Important versions this project uses:
Rails 7.1.2
Ruby 3.2.2
PostgreSQL 14.10
Boostrap 5.3.2
yarn 1.22.21
npm 10.2.4
node 21.5.0
Pull down the repo
git clone
Login to heroku
heroku login
Create a heroku app
heroku apps:create
Provision the database
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:mini
Push code to heroku
git push heroku main
Migrate the db on heroku
heroku run rake db:migrate
Navigate to the index via the heroku app you created
Pull down the repo
git clone
Run bundle install
bundle install
Build the css with yarn
yarn build:css
Building the css may require installing bootstrap through npm
npm install bootstrap
Start PostgreSQL
brew services start postgresql
Setting up info for PostgreSQL may be required
psql -d postgres
Run the Rails db migrations
rake db:create
rake db:setup
rake db:migrate
Navigate to project in your browser