Weather Station
The weather display requires openweatherAPI
The environment sensor monitor requires Adafruit IO API
The calendar using the IFTTT to send feed data into Adafruit IO
- Please config all the setting on Config.h
#define WIFI_SSID "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define WIFI_PW "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define TIMEZONE 8
//OpenWeather API
#define city "1675151"
#define openWeatherMapApiKey "xxxxxxxxxx"
#define OPENWEATHER_URL "" + String(city) + "&lang=en_US&units=metric&APPID=" + String(openWeatherMapApiKey)
#define OPENWEATHER_URL_WEEK "" + String(city) + "&lang=en_US&units=metric&cnt=7&APPID=" + String(openWeatherMapApiKey)
//Adafruit IO
#define IO_USERNAME "xxxxxxxx"
#define IO_KEY "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define sensor_url ""
#define cal_url ""
- Copy SD folder items to your SD card
- Complie on the arduino IDE