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Simple examples

Andrey Ekimov edited this page Nov 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

Simple examples:

1. Key - Value

2. Key - List of Values

3. Dictionary

4. Nullable and Enum

5. Inheritance

6. MultiArrays with simple elements

7. MultiArrays with complex elements

Key - Value

Name: NameOfObjects
Description: "This's an example of a description."
LifeTime: 99.99
	ExactlyForwardAngle: 5
	MoveAngle: 60
	AIPathType: WalkWay

Reflection to C# code:

class CUnit
    public string Name;
    public string Description { get; private set; }
    float _life_time; //auto name changing to LifeTime
    CMoverDescr _mover;

    public class CMoverDescr
        [CascadeProperty(Name = "ExactlyForwardAngle", Default = 3f)]
        private float _exactly_forward;
        public float ExactlyForwardAngle { get { return _exactly_forward; } }

        [CascadeProperty(Default = 70f)]
        private float _move_angle;
        public float MoveAngle { get { return _move_angle; } }

        private EAIPathType _ai_path_type;
        public EAIPathType AIPathType { get { return _ai_path_type; } }

        [CascadeProperty(Default = 50f)]
        private float _ignor_pathfinder_distance;
        public float IgnorPathfinderDistance { get { return _ignor_pathfinder_distance; } }

Key - List of Values

Names: Name1, Name2, Name3
Masks: "###.##", "**.*.*"
Ids: 324, 567, 454

Reflection to C# code:

class CSomeClass
	public string[] Names;
	public List<string> Masks { get; private set; }
	HashSet<uint> _ids; //auto name changing to Ids


	dickey1: 1
	dickey2: 2

Reflection to C# code:

class CSomeClass
	public Dictionary<string, int> _dict;

	public CSomeClass()
	    _dict = new Dictionary<string, int>();

	public void Init()
	    _dict.Add("dickey1", 1);
            _dict.Add("dickey2", 2);

Nullable and Enum

BaseNullable: 9
BaseEnum: TestEnumValue3

Reflection to C# code:

class CSomeClass
	public enum ETestEnum { TestEnumValue1, TestEnumValue2, TestEnumValue3 }

	private ETestEnum _base_enum;
	public double? BaseNullable { get; set; }

	public void Init()
		_base_enum = ETestEnum.TestEnumValue3;
		BaseNullable = 9;


C# code:

    public class CTestBase
        private float _base_float;
        private string _base_string;
        private ETestEnum _base_enum;

        public float BaseInt { get; set; }
        public double? BaseNullable { get; set; }

        public virtual void Init1()
            _base_float = 101.909f;
            _base_string = "str2";
            _base_enum = ETestEnum.TestEnumValue3;
            BaseInt = 7;
            BaseNullable = 9;

    public class CTestClass1 : CTestBase
        [CascadeProperty(Default = 10)]
        private int _int;

        public int PubProp { get; set; }

        public CTestClass1()
            _int = 10;

        public override void Init()
            _int = 8;


Int: 8
BaseInt: 7
BaseNullable: 9
BaseFloat: 101.909
BaseString: str2
BaseEnum: TestEnumValue3

MultiArrays with simple elements

C# code:

    public class CTestClassMultiArrayAtom
        public int[,,] _multi_array_r3;
        public int[,] _multi_array;

        public void Init1()
            _multi_array_r3 = new int[3, 2, 2] 
                { { 1, 11 }, { 2, 22 } }, 
                { { 3, 33 }, { 4, 44 } }, 
                { { 5, 55 }, { 6, 66 } }

            _multi_array = new int[3, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } };

        public void Init2()
            //_multi_array = new int[,] { { } };
            //_array = new int[] { };
            _multi_array_r3 = new int[1, 2, 1] { { { 1 }, { 2 } } };
            _multi_array = new int[2, 1] { { 1 }, { 2 } };

        public void Init3()
            //_multi_array = new int[,] { { } };
            //_array = new int[] { };
            _multi_array_r3 = new int[1, 1, 1] { { { 1 } } };
            _multi_array = new int[1, 1] { { 1 } };


  • Init1:
		1, 11
		2, 22
		3, 33
		4, 44
		5, 55
		6, 66
	1, 2
	3, 4
	5, 6
  • Init2:
  • Init3:

C# code:

    public class CTestClassArrayArraysAtom
        public int[][] _multi_array;

        public void Init()
            _multi_array = new int[3][];

            _multi_array[0] = new int[] { 1 };
            _multi_array[1] = new int[] { 2, 3 };
            _multi_array[2] = new int[] { 4, 5, 6 };


	2, 3
	4, 5, 6

MultiArrays with complex elements

C# code:

    public class CSimpleClass
        public int _int_data = 9;

	public class CTestClassMAObject
        public CSimpleClass[,,] _multi_array_r3;
        public CSimpleClass[,] _multi_array;

        public void Init1()
            var to = new CSimpleClass();
            to._int_data = 10;
            _multi_array_r3 = new CSimpleClass[3, 2, 2] { { { to, to }, { to, to } }, { { to, to }, { to, to } }, { { to, to }, { to, to } } };
            _multi_array = new CSimpleClass[3, 2] { { to, to }, { to, to }, { to, to } };

        public void Init2()
            //_multi_array = new int[,] { { } };
            //_array = new int[] { };
            var to = new CSimpleClass();
            to._int_data = 10;
            _multi_array_r3 = new CSimpleClass[1, 1, 1] { { { to } } };
            _multi_array = new CSimpleClass[1, 1] { { to } };


  • Init1
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
				IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
  • Init2
				IntData: 10
			IntData: 10

C# code:

    public class CTestClassAAObject
        public CSimpleClass[][] _multi_array;

        public void Init1()
            var to = new CSimpleClass();
            to._int_data = 10;
            _multi_array = new CSimpleClass[3][];
            _multi_array[0] = new CSimpleClass[] { to };
            _multi_array[1] = new CSimpleClass[] { to, to };
            _multi_array[2] = new CSimpleClass[] { to, to, to };


  • Init1
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10
			IntData: 10