It is a project for CERN WebFest. You can find more info about the project here
This repository includes only NodeJS/Express based web app that communicates with MongoDB by using Mongoose and serves REST API & some generated (by using Jade templates) web pages and home page that is built with WebGL Earth.
- Change dbName and connectionString in app.js if you are using different dbName or a remotely hosted mongodb.
$node bin/www.js
then it will run on your host and will use 8000 port which can be changed in bin/www.js
- GET /api/stations returns array of all stations
- GET /api/stations/station_id returns details of the station
- POST /api/stations posts new station to DB
"_id": "55be1ec25770e66e74d4504e",
"status": "alive",
"picture": "",
"name": "Toy Cloud Chamber",
"country": "United States",
"cluster": "Siena College, New York",
"subcluster": "Physics Department",
"livetime": "2015-07-31T18:43:33.004Z",
"events": [
"window": false,
"filePath": "1069318.fits",
"taskid": 1069318,
"time": [
"images": {
"thumb": "",
"original": ""
"window": false,
"filePath": "1069319.fits",
"taskid": 1069319,
"time": [
"images": {
"thumb": "",
"original": ""
"free": [],
"location": {
"latitude": 42.7184305,
"altitude": 11.6,
"longitude": -73.7516675
- Find cool looking html templates for station and event page
- Learn about Jade Template Engine
- Convert those cool looking html templates to jade templates and change views/*.jade.