This Docker container provides a patched Zabbix agent to monitor a real CoreOS server and all his containers.
The Zabbix agent has been patched to read system informations from these directories:
- /coreos/proc mapped from /proc on the real host
- /coreos/dev mapped from /dev on the real host
- /coreos/sys mapped from /sys on the real host
You can access the Docker REST API through the socket file /coreos/var/run/docker.sock
# docker build -t bhuisgen/docker-zabbix-coreos .
# docker run -d -p 10050:10050 \
-v /proc:/coreos/proc -v /sys:/coreos/sys -v /dev:/coreos/dev \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/coreos/var/run/docker.sock
--name zabbix-coreos bhuisgen/docker-zabbix-coreos <HOSTNAME> <SERVER_IP>
The needed arguments are:
- HOSTNAME: name of the host declared in the Zabbix frontend
- SERVER: IP address of the Zabbix server
# docker exec -ti zabbix-coreos /bin/bash
# supervisorctl restart zabbix-agent