This is the sample plugin for integrating with InstaWP's 2 Way Sync with any 3rd party plugin.
When you are integrating with 2 way sync, your unique event type(s) can be defined by setting the id in your class.
In this example, we are adding support for Post Meta. If a Post Meta is added or updated for a particular post, this sample will record the event in the source WordPress site and process the event in the destination WordPress site.
Example class :
Set this ID to be a unique identified for your Event type.
$this->id = 'post_meta';
This code will add a toggle to switch ON or OFF your event type to be recorded in 2 way sync. It is recommended to provided this toggle for users.
will be shown to end users, so make it Human friendly to understand that its connected to your plugin.
add_filter( 'instawp/filters/2waysync/event_providers', function ( $providers ) {
$providers[] = array(
'id' => $this->id, // instawp_sync_ should be added as prefix to the ID of the field.
'title' => __( 'Post Meta', 'iwp-2waysync-sample-plugin' ),
'tooltip' => __( 'Enabling this option will allow plugin to log events related to all posts, pages and custom post types meta.', 'iwp-2waysync-sample-plugin' ),
'default' => 'off' // can be on/off
return $providers;
} );
This filter will allow you to record an event from your plugin. For example, if you wish to add an event when add_post_meta
action is triggered.
add_action( 'add_post_meta', function ( $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ) {
if ( ! InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::can_sync( $this->id ) ) { // Checking if the toggle is ON.
if ( in_array( $meta_key, array( '_edit_lock', 'instawp_event_sync_reference_id' ), true ) ) {
//add event related data into the "event data" array. to be used during processing of the event.
$post = get_post( $object_id );
// Here we are assuming a unique reference id for each event based on the object id.
// This should be unique and will be used to match content in the destination during sync.
// We provide some default functions to generate a reference ID, feel free to write your own.
// For posts -> InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_post_reference_id(), For user -> InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_user_reference_id(), For term -> InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_term_reference_id(). If you use a custom table then its recommended to duplicate one of our provided function and modify it based on your needs.
$reference_id = InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_post_reference_id( $object_id );
$singular_name = InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_post_type_name( $post->post_type ); // Use this to generate event name.
$event = [
'name' => sprintf( __( '%s meta updated', 'iwp-2waysync-sample-plugin' ), $singular_name ), // Event name. Arbitrary text is fine.
'slug' => 'post_meta_added', // Event slug e.g post_meta_added or post_meta_deleted.
'type' => $post->post_type, // Event type e.g Object type i.e. Post/User/Term. Arbitrary text is fine.
'title' => $meta_key, // Event title.
'data' => array(
'object_id' => $object_id,
'meta_key' => $meta_key,
'meta_value' => maybe_serialize( $meta_value ),
'post' => $post,
), // Event data.
//Pass $event object and $reference_id for event to be recorded.
do_action( 'instawp/actions/2waysync/record_event', $event, $reference_id, $this->id );
}, 10, 3 );
This will be executed on the destination site during the sync operation. It is important for us to know how you want to process the event.
For example - the post meta event will be processed as below:
add_filter( 'instawp/filters/2waysync/process_event', function ( $response, $event ) {
// $response = empty array to be filled during the processing.
// $event = event object.
$reference_id = $event->reference_id;
$details = InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::object_to_array( $event->details ); // converts object to array
// create or update the post meta based on the event details.
if ( in_array( $data->event_slug, array( 'post_meta_added', 'post_meta_updated' ), true ) && isset( $details['post'] ) ) { //depends on your implementation.
$wp_post = $details['post'];
//this is a sample implementation if the type of the event is "post".
//it will search by reference_id, then it will fall back to "slug" i.e $post_name.
$post_by_reference_id = InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_post_by_reference( $wp_post['post_type'], $reference_id, $wp_post['post_name'] );
//if we found a post to be updated
if ( ! empty( $post_by_reference_id ) ) {
if ( $data->event_slug === 'post_meta_added' ) {
add_post_meta( $post_by_reference_id->ID, $details['meta_key'], maybe_unserialize( $details['meta_value'] ) );
} else {
update_post_meta( $post_by_reference_id->ID, $details['meta_key'], maybe_unserialize( $details['meta_value'] ) );
return InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::sync_response( $event, [], [] );
return $response;
}, 10, 2 );
- It generates a unique reference id for each post to sync it between source and destination.InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_user_reference_id()
- It generates a unique reference id for each user to sync it between source and destination.InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_term_reference_id()
- It generates a unique reference id for each term to sync it between source and destination.InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::get_post_by_reference()
- It returns the WP_Post object, it accepts post type as first parameter, post unique reference id as 2nd parameter and post name as 3rd parameter.InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::sync_response()
- It returns the expected sync response, it accepts event as first parameter, log as 2nd parameter and $args as 3rd parameter to override default values.InstaWP_Sync_Helpers::object_to_array()
- It converts object to array.