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rajubairishetti edited this page Aug 28, 2014 · 2 revisions

How to configure multiple write threads?


What happens if we don't configure the num_store_threads property for a category?

  Only single writer thread writes to the store(hdfs).

What happens if I configure negative number of threads for a category?

  System behavior would be unpredictable(may crash).

How to increase the number of writer threads?

   1) Stop the scribe collector
   2) set this property
         If you want to increase the number of threads from 0 or 1 then we should check whether any spooled data is there or not. If the spooled data is available then first move all these data to <spooled location>/thread_0 for despooling after restart.
   3) start the scribe collector

How to decrease the number of threads?

    1) Stop the scribe collector
    2) configure num_store_threads
     Note: Should not decrease the threads in case of spooled data is available
    3) start the scribe collector