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praddy edited this page Feb 10, 2012 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the inmobi-stats wiki!

How to build

If you only need the common module from inmobi-stats you can just clone and build it using maven. And here's how to build mondemand emitter module which requires lwes and mondemand, here are the instructions for that ("$" in the commands below is to indicate the shell prompt, ignore it):

Create a work directory and change to it:
$ mkdir ~/src ; cd ~/src

Let's checkout and build/install lwes-java now:
$ git clone
$ cd lwes-java

We need an older branch for now, so switch to it:
$ git checkout lwes-java-0.2.x

Build and install it:
$ mvn install

Let's build/install mondemand now:
$ cd ~/src
$ svn co mondemand-java
$ cd mondemand-java/trunk
$ mvn install

We are done and now we can use maven to build inmobi-stats' mondemand module

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