LethalLevelLoader v1.0.2
- All Registering of Custom Content has been moved from the GameNetworkManager.Awake() Prefix to the GameNetworkManager.Start() Prefix to give developers safe access to Awake() if needed.
- AssetBundleLoader.specifiedFileExtension has now been changed to a public const to allow for improved referencing.
- ExtendedDungeonFlow's are now automatically registered with the Network when added using AssetBundleLoader.RegisterExtendedDungeonFlow()
- sourceName in ExtendedLevel and ExtendedDungeonFlow have been changed to contentSourceName, to improve clarity.
- Fixed an oversight where dungeonSizeMin was not being considered.
- Removed deprecated variables from ExtendedDungeonPreferences.
- Vector2WithRarity now correctly uses a Vector2, Allowing for improved usability in the Unity inspector.
- Variables in ExtendedDungeonPreferences have now been protected with properties, to allow for future validation options.
- Removed ExtendedDungeonPreferences, This has now been combined into ExtendedDungeonFlow for better usability and more streamlined referencing.
- Refactored ExtendedDungeonFlow to improve on visual organisation when viewed in the Unity inspector.
- Refactored ExtendedLevel to improve on visual organisation when viewed in the Unity inspector.
- Introduced ConfigHelper.ConvertToStringWithRarity() To assist with developers configeration creation.
- Cached Terminal.allTerminalKeywords for improved reference safetey.
- Adjusted Harmony Patch Priority Orders from 0 to 350.