Simple CLI for the tool XACMUT.
This repository uses XACMUT version 2.0 which is shipped with the JAR included in the folder lib. The POM explicitly links to this library.
For more information about XACMUT see at:
- XACMUT Official Page at LabSEDC ISTI-CNR
- Said Daoudagh's Space on GitHub
XACMUT-CLI will look for XACML policy files into the directory:
Load here your XACML policy files. For each file in the directory, XACMUT-CLI will generate mutants by using all mutant operators supported by XACMUT
In future release there may be some support for picking policies from a given directory or for selecting specific mutant operators.
Run XACMUT-CLI with the following command:
mvn clean compile exec:java