Pet Hub is a web application designed to connect pet owners with trusted pet sitters. The application allows users to sign up as either a pet owner or a pet sitter, view profiles, book appointments, and manage appointments through a user-friendly interface.
Table of Contents
1. Features
2. Tech Stack
3. Setup and Installation
4. Usage
5. API Endpoints
6. Contributors
• User Authentication: Users can sign up or log in using Auth0.
• User Roles: Users can register as either a pet owner or a pet sitter.
• Pet Sitter Profiles: Pet sitters can create and manage profiles, including setting their rates, availability, and experience.
• Appointment Management: Owners can book appointments with sitters, and sitters can manage incoming requests and upcoming appointments.
• Search Functionality: Users can search for pet sitters based on location, availability, and rates.
• Responsive Design: The application is designed to work on both desktop and mobile devices.
Tech Stack
• Frontend: React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS
• Backend: Node.js, Express
• Database: PostgreSQL • Authentication: Auth0 • APIs: Custom REST API with Express • Deployment: Vercel for frontend, Heroku for backend
Setup and Installation
1. Clone the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd pet-hub
Install dependencies: $ yarn install
Environment Variables: Create a .env file in both the backend and frontend directories with the following variables:
- Database Setup:
Run migrations and seed the database:
$ cd backend
$ npx prisma generate
$ npx prisma db push
- Run the Application:
Start the backend server:
$ cd backend
$ yarn dev
Start the frontend server:
$ cd frontend
$ yarn dev
- Access the application:
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
Usage 1. Sign Up: Users can sign up as either a cat owner or a cat sitter. 2. Pet Sitter Profile: Sitters can set up their profiles with details like experience, rates, and availability. 3. Search and Booking: Owners can search for sitters based on location and book appointments. 4. Appointment Management: Both owners and sitters can manage appointments, view requests, and see upcoming appointments.
API Endpoints
• User Information:
• GET /user/info: Get the logged-in user’s information.
• POST /user/info: Update the logged-in user’s information.
• Cat Sitters:
• GET /cat-sitters/search: Search for cat sitters based on location, rate, and distance.
• GET /cat-sitters/profile/:id: Get the profile of a specific cat sitter.
• Appointments:
• GET /appointment/request: Get appointment requests for the logged-in user.
• GET /appointment/upcoming: Get upcoming appointments for the logged-in user.
• POST /booking: Create a new booking with a pet sitter.
• Hung Le • Tara Hymers