This is an IOS app in which you browse through hundreds of breeds of dog images along with its details like Life span,Tempermant,Hieght,Weight etc. The app has 3 main screens
Home:- Displays random breeds of dogs.Has refresh button which generates fresh set of images.
Search view :- User can search for a breed from this screen.It also provides the option of filtering the breeds data based on search
Detail View :- User can select any item from the Home screen or the Breed list,to view the details.This screen displays the image, Life span,Height,Weight,Tempermant,Breed group & other details of the dog.
This app is powered by
- Swift 4.2
- Alamofire : Networking library
- MaterialComponents : Google library for material components
- SwiftyJSON : JSON Parsing
- Some of the icons made by Freepik from
- Authentication
- Vote feature
- Favorites tab
Free Software, Hell Yeah!