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Markdown Link Validator #1

Markdown Link Validator

Markdown Link Validator #1

name: Markdown Link Validator
contents: read
runs-on: windows-latest
- name: Check out the repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Validate the links
shell: pwsh
run: |
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @'
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
public sealed class LinkReport(string originalLink, string fileFoundIn, int statusCode, string redirectedLink, bool redirectMatch)
public string OriginalLink { get; set; } = originalLink;
public string FileFoundIn { get; set; } = fileFoundIn;
public int StatusCode { get; set; } = statusCode;
public string RedirectedLink { get; set; } = redirectedLink;
public bool RedirectMatch { get; set; } = redirectMatch;
public static class Variables
// List to store instances of LinkReport
public static ConcurrentBag<LinkReport> LinkReports = new ConcurrentBag<LinkReport>();
[string[]]$MarkdownFilePaths = @('.\', '.\')
# Iterate over each file simultaneously
$MarkdownFilePaths | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
[string]$MarkdownContent = Get-Content -Path $_ -Raw -Force
# Define regex patterns for HTML and Markdown links
[string]$RegexForHTMLBasedLinks = '="(https://[^"]+)"'
[string]$RegexForMarkDownBasedLinks = '\(https://[^)]+\)'
# Initialize a HashSet to collect unique links
[System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$AggregatedLinks = @()
# Find all HTML-based link matches and add them to the HashSet
$MatchesHTML = [regex]::Matches($MarkdownContent, $RegexForHTMLBasedLinks)
foreach ($Match in $MatchesHTML) {
$Url = $Match.Groups[1].Value
# Find all Markdown-based link matches and add them to the HashSet
$MatchesMarkdown = [regex]::Matches($MarkdownContent, $RegexForMarkDownBasedLinks)
foreach ($Match in $MatchesMarkdown) {
$Url = $Match.Value.Trim('(', ')')
# Check each link for validity and redirection
foreach ($Link in $AggregatedLinks) {
# Default values in case the link is unreachable
$statusCode = 0
$RedirectedLink = $Link
$RedirectMatch = $true
try {
Write-Host "Checking link: $Link" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Attempt to send an HTTP request to check the link, allowing automatic redirection
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Link -Method Head
# Check if the response was successful
if ($null -ne $Response) {
# Capture the final status code and redirected URL
$statusCode = $Response.StatusCode
# Check if the response has a final redirected URL
if ($Response.BaseResponse.ResponseUri) {
$RedirectedLink = $Response.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri
# Determine if the final redirected link matches the original link
$RedirectMatch = ($Link -eq $RedirectedLink)
else {
# If the link is unreachable, set a status code indicating failure (e.g., 404 or 403)
$statusCode = 404
$RedirectedLink = 'Unreachable'
$RedirectMatch = $false
catch {
# If the link is unreachable, set a status code indicating failure (e.g., 404 or 403)
$statusCode = 404
$RedirectedLink = 'Unreachable'
$RedirectMatch = $false
Write-Host "Status code: $statusCode - Match Result: $RedirectMatch"
$LinkReport = [LinkReport]::new($Link, $_, $statusCode, $RedirectedLink, $RedirectMatch)
} -ThrottleLimit 25
Write-Host 'Sorting the data'
# Sort the result so unreachable links appear at the top
$SortedResult = [Variables]::LinkReports | Sort-Object -Property RedirectMatch
# Adding header for the markdown summary
[string]$outputString = "# Link Validation Report 🚀`n`n<br>`n`n"
$outputString += "- Total Links Checked: $($SortedResult.Count) 📉`n`n"
$outputString += "- Total number of unreachable links: $($SortedResult.Where({$_.StatusCode -eq 404}).Count) 🙈`n`n<br>`n"
$outputString += "`n| 🦄 Original Link | 📁 File Found In | 🗿 Status Code | 🎯 Redirected Link | 👀 Redirect Match |"
$outputString += "`n|:-------------|:------------|:----------:|:---------------|:-------------:|"
Write-Host 'Adding data to the markdown summary'
foreach ($LinkReport in $SortedResult) {
# Append result to the output string
$outputString += "`n| $($LinkReport.OriginalLink) | $($LinkReport.FileFoundIn) | $($LinkReport.StatusCode) | $($LinkReport.RedirectedLink) | $($LinkReport.RedirectMatch) $($($LinkReport.RedirectMatch) ? '✅' : '❌') |"
Set-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Value $outputString -Force