A repo with solutions to programming problems from multiple sites (URI, codeforces, leetcode, atcoder, ICPC etc).
- About
- Problem list
- LeetCode
- Codeforces
- Neps Academy
- UVa
- OBI (Brazilian Olympiad in Informatics) 🇧🇷
- contests
I've been studying competitive programming since 2018, but I've really started to take it seriously by August 2021. Whenever I got stuck after hours trying to solve some problem I'd turn to Geeksforgeeks, my friends or the Neps Academy Discord server in the hopes of finding someone who solved it and could, hopefully, help me with hints or explain how to solve that problem.
I've been using C and C++ for the solutions. Feel free to contact me directly, or open an issue in case you see something wrong or something that could be improved in the code, or, if you would wish more explanation in the comments in whatever problem you're having a hard time with.
- 70 Climbing Stairs - solution
- 264 Ugly Number II - solution
- 300 Longest Increasing Subsequence - solution
- 724 Find Pivot Index - solution
- 1528 Shuffle String - solution
- 1662 Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent - solution
- 1636 Stacking Specimens - solution
- 1638 Fancy Numbers - solution
- 1640 Isomorphic Strings - solution
- 1641 Queen Bomb - solution
- 1646 Tio Number - solution
- 1647 Stacking Specimens Really High - solution
- 1683 States from the North - solution
- 1687 Iccanobif - solution
- 1688 Knights Again - solution
Inspired by Luis Filipe's Interview-Preparation repository.