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A simple React component capable of building HTML forms out of a JSON schema.

A live demo is hosted on gh-pages.


Requires React 0.14+.

As a npm-based project dependency:

$ npm install react-jsonschema-form --save

As a script dependency served from a CDN:

  <script src="[email protected]/dist/react-jsonschema-form.js"></script>

Source maps are available at this url.

Note that the CDN version does not embed react nor react-dom.

A default, very basic CSS stylesheet is provided, though you're encouraged to build your own.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/react-jsonschema-form.css">


import React, { Component } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";

import Form from "react-jsonschema-form";

const schema = {
  title: "Todo Tasks",
  type: "object",
  required: ["title"],
  properties: {
    title: {type: "string", title: "Title", default: "A new task"},
    done: {type: "boolean", title: "Done?", default: false}

const formData = {
  title: "First task",
  done: true

const log = (type) => console.log.bind(console, type);

  <Form schema={schema}
        onError={log("errors")} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

That should give something like this (if you use the default stylesheet):

Alternative widgets

JSONSchema is limited for describing how a given data type should be rendered as an input component, that's why this lib introduces the concept of UI schema. A UI schema is basically an object literal describing how the form should be rendered, eg. which UI widget should be used to render a certain field thanks to the ui:widget property:


const uiSchema =  {
  done: {
    "ui:widget": "radio" // could also be "select"

  <Form schema={schema}
        formData={formData} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

Here's a list of supported alternative widgets for different JSONSchema data types:


  • radio: a radio button group with true and false as selectable values;
  • select: a select box with true and false as options;
  • by default, a checkbox is used


  • textarea: a textarea element;
  • password: an input[type=password] element;
  • by default, a regular input[type=text] element is used.

number and integer:

  • updown: an input[type=number] updown selector;
  • range: an input[type=range] slider;
  • by default, a regular input[type=text] element is used.

Note: for numbers, min, max and step input attributes values will be handled according to JSONSchema's minimum, maximium and multipleOf values when they're defined.

Object fields ordering

The uiSchema object spec also allows you to define in which order a given object field properties should be rendered using the ui:order property:

const schema = {
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    foo: {type: "string"},
    bar: {type: "string"}

const uiSchema = {
  "ui:order": ["bar", "foo"]

  <Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

Multiple choices list

The default behavior for array fields is a list of text inputs with add/remove buttons. If you want a multiple choices list, you have to provide an enum list to the items property of the array field and set uniqueItems property to true.

See the "Arrays" section of the demo app and this issue for more information.

Custom styles

The UISchema object accepts a classNames property for each field of the schema:

const uiSchema = {
  title: {
    classNames: "task-title foo-bar"

Will result in:

<div class="field field-string task-title foo-bar" >
    <input value="My task" required="" type="text">

Custom widgets

You can provide your own custom widgets to a uiSchema for the following json data types:

  • string
  • number
  • integer
  • boolean
  • date-time
const schema = {
  type: "string"

const uiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": (props) => {
    return (
      <input type="text"
        onChange={(event) => props.onChange(} />

render(<Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} />);

The following props are passed to the widget component:

  • schema: The JSONSchema subschema object for this field;
  • value: The current value for this field;
  • defaultValue: The default value for this field;
  • required: The required status of this field;
  • onChange: The value change event handler; call it with the new value everytime it changes;
  • placeholder: The placeholder value, if any;
  • options: The list of options for enum fields;

Custom SchemaField

Warning: This is a powerful feature as you can override the whole form behavior and easily mess it up. Handle with care.

You can provide your own implementation of the SchemaField base React component for rendering any JSONSchema field type, including objects and arrays. This is useful when you want to augment a given field type with supplementary powers.

To proceed so, you can pass a SchemaField prop to the Form component instance; here's a rather silly example wrapping the standard SchemaField lib component:

import SchemaField from "react-jsonschema-form/lib/components/fields/SchemaField";

const CustomSchemaField = function(props) {
  return (
    <div id="custom">
      <p>Yeah, I'm pretty dumb.</p>
      <SchemaField {...props} />

  <Form schema={schema}
        SchemaField={CustomSchemaField} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

If you're curious how this could ever be useful, have a look at the Kinto formbuilder repository to see how it's used to provide editing capabilities to any form field.

Custom titles

You can provide your own implementation of the TitleField base React component for rendering any title. This is useful when you want to augment how titles are handled.

To proceed so, you can pass a TitleField prop to the Form component instance:

const CustomTitleField = ({title}) => <div id="custom">{title}</div>;

  <Form schema={schema}
        TitleField={CustomTitleField} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

Custom buttons

You can provide custom buttons to your form via the Form component's children. A default submit button will be rendered if you don't provide children to the Form component.

  <Form schema={schema}>
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Warning: there should be a button or an input with type="submit" to trigger the form submission (and then the form validation).

Development server

$ npm start

A live development server showcasing components with hot reload enabled is available at localhost:8080.


$ npm test


$ npm run tdd


Apache 2


A React component for building Web forms from JSONSchema.






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  • JavaScript 95.2%
  • CSS 3.7%
  • HTML 1.1%