uavs3d is an opensource and cross-platform avs3 decoder, supports AVS3-P2 baseline profile.
- AVS3-P2 baseline profile.
- supports to compile for Android/IOS/Windows/Linux/MacOS systems.
- optimized for ARMv7/ARMv8/SSE4/AVX2 chips.
- 10bit decoding on all supported platforms.
- The uavs3 codec has supported x86 and arm platforms, and has been tested and verified on the Kunpeng processor.
- The ARM platform recommends the Kunpeng processor.
Copyright reserved by “Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School”, “Peng Cheng Laboratory”, and “Guangdong Bohua UHD Innovation Corporation”
This program is a free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD 3-clause license.
For more details, please view the file "COPYING" in the project.
The default configuration only support 8bit decoding.
To support 10bit streams decoding: cmake -DCOMPILE_10BIT=1
Prerequisites: Visual Studio 2017
- ./version.bat (to generate version.h)
- solution file: build/x86_windows/uavs3d.sln
To support 10bit streams decoding, edit source/decore/com_def.h : #define COMPILE_10BIT 1
- gawk (
- CMake ( version 3.1 or higher
- mkdir build/linux
- cd build/linux && cmake -DCOMPILE_10BIT=0 ../..
- make && make install
To support 10bit streams decoding: cmake -DCOMPILE_10BIT=1 to build shared library, set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 please.
Prerequisites: XCode
- ./ (generate the version.h)
- xcode solution file: build/ios/uavs3d.xcodeproj
Prerequisites: Android NDK (
Build ndk library or executable file:
- ./ (generate the version.h)
- cd build/android/ndk/jni
- $NDK_PATH/ndk-build
sample: ./uavs3d -i input.avs3 -o output.yuv -t 8 -l 2 -s 1
short name | long name | introduction |
-h | --help | Print this help |
-v | --version | Version information |
-i | --input | Input file |
-o | --output | Output file |
-l | --loglevel | Log level: 0: no message; 1: seq level; 2: frame level (default) |
-t | --threads | Number of frame-level threads |
-f | --frames | Total frames to decode |
-s | --check_md5 | Enable to check md5 or not |
Edit build/ios/uavs3d/main.m to configure decoding options.
This program is originally developed by the team of Prof.Ronggang Wang ([email protected]) at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
Main contributors:
- Zhenyu Wang ([email protected]), Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Bingjie Han ([email protected]), Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Jiang Du, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Kui Fan, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Xi Xie, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Guisen Xu, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Xufeng Li, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Yangang Cai, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School.
- Hao Lv, Peng Cheng Laboratory.
- Min Chen.
** Ronggang Wang ([email protected]), Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School