In 2020, the world was hit by a global epidemic known as Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2), also known as COVID-19. The virus spread throughout the world, severely affecting many countries. However, the pandemic had various effects on different countries. While some countries have a relatively low number of instances per million people, others have a very high number of cases per million. As a result, it is important to investigate how this epidemic affected different countries at different times. In this endeavour, a proper visualization system contributes significantly by providing a clear picture of the data by mapping data into a visual context. Therefore, we (Team 13) built Viz-COVID19: Covid-19 Visualization Dashboard as part of the Human-Computer Interaction course project to visualize and engage with users to detect patterns and trends linked to the COVID-19 pandemic cases, deaths, vaccines, and so on.
🔹 Coronavirus distribution globally over time: A geographical representation of daily and cumulative cases and deaths reported in total and based on viral variants. 🔹 Coronavirus distribution country-wise or continent-wise: Graphical representation (scatter/bar/line). 🔹 Vaccine distribution Globally: A geographical representation of daily and cumulative total vaccination, 1st dose completion in general and based on viral variants.
◼️ HTML ◼️ CSS, Bootstrap ◼️ JavaScript, D3 JS library for visualisations