HammerOS is an operating system for the x86 architecture. I challenged myself to program something way out of my comfort zone, and this is the result. I knew little to no C/assembly before starting this project (and I still do).
I use the makefile for most use cases, with the exception of building a cross compiler. You have to do that first.
For usage of the toolchain.sh which builds the cross compiler, type:
sh tools/toolchain.sh
In order to build a cross compiler for x86/ia32 architecture type:
# Install required programs with apr-get, such as gcc, bison, yac and qemu
# Default installation dir is /usr/local/cross
# You can override this location by setting the CROSS_PREFIX env variable
# Remember to alter your makefile accordingly
sudo bash tools/toolchain.sh install
# Compile your very own cross compiler
sudo bash tools/toolchain.sh ia32
Type make
to get the usages of the makefile:
help - shows this help message
clean - deletes bin, obj and work directory
compile - compiles all files to object files
iso - creates an iso image of the kernel
link - links all object files together to a binary
run - runs the kernel, using qemu
You can compile, link and run HammerOs by typing make run