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Abbreviation and Terms

Hajime Kawahara edited this page Apr 9, 2023 · 16 revisions
Abbreviation what it means
CIA Collision Induced Absorption
DIT Discrete Integral Transform The method proposed by van den Bekerom and Pannier (2020)
MODIT MOdified DIT modified version of DIT for exojax (log and no Doppler grid)
PreMODIT Precomputation of line density + MODIT as is
DGM DIT Grid Matrix Grids of INC/LSD, used in DIT/MODIT
ESLIN Evenly Spaced in LINear space wavenumber grid in linear space
ESLOG Evenly Spaced in LOG space wavenumber grid in log space
(Direct) LPF (Direct) Line Profile Function Analytic computation of the Voigt profile using Algorithm 916 and an asymptotic representation. See exojax paper .
LSD Lineshape Density see van den Bekerom and Pannier (2020)
INC Integrate Neighbouring Contribution INC for 3D is the lineshape distribution (LSD) matrix in van den Bekerom and Pannier (2020). MODIT uses a 2D version of INC (wavenumber x normalized gammaL).
Terms what it means related algorithm
R spectral resolution
contdb continuous opacity database
numatrix wavenumber matrix Direct LPF
normalized sigmaD sigmaD normalized by (line center/R) MODIT
normalized gammaL gammaL normalized by (line center/R) MODIT